Part 15- i feel something.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I was moving to the elevator to head up to mathematics. As the elevator bumped upwards, my legs swung forward and when they came back it hurt a little.
"Ouch!" I wince before realising something.
I felt my legs. Lillian meets me out the front of the elevator. She looks at me confused.
"You good?" She asks.
I look up at her smiling, "I felt my legs."
"Really?" Lillian smiled.
I nodded. She kicked my legs.
"Owwww" I frown, "that hurt!"
Then I realise why she did it. We go to class. We are so happy during the process. The bell rings and I head out to hop on the bus to head to 51. I wheel up the driveway and inside. All the trucks were out so I waited by uncles Kelly's table, I heard a horn blare as everyone returned except ambo. My mom and Aunt Violet must be out. Kelly hops out of the truck and runs over. I shakily stand up. I lean on the table. Kelly stops in his tracks.
"You feel your legs?" He asks
I nod, "mom doesn't know I am going to surprise her when she gets back."
Kelly smiles. I sit back down and head into the common room. My mom walks in around 15 minutes later. She comes in. I stand up. I lean on the table.
"You can stand?" My mom runs over.
I nod and hug her, "I felt my legs at school. I've been able to feel them ever since."
Brett smiled, "I'll take you to med after shift."
I nod. We chill around. At 5 o'clock, the bell sounded.
{alarm buzzes} ambulance 61, man down from unknown causes. 1657 west Michigan avenue.
Mom and aunt Violet hopped up and ran to the ambo.

Brett's P.O.V:
Me and Violet run to the ambo and jump in. I turn on the lights and sirens and speed to the address. As we drive near a bridge, I notice a car following us. It comes up beside and pushes up off the bridge. I put the windows down and wait for us to hit the water. I hold my breath and we fell into the water. I look over at Violet who is trying to take off her seatbelt. I open mine and swim over to her and yank it free, Violet was unconscious. I dragged her out my window. I swam up to the surface, I grabbed my radio. It still worked. I pressed the button.
"Hello?" I spoke into the radio.
"Is someone there?" A voice came back through
"This is Sylvie Brett. PIC on ambulance 61. We were pushed by another car into Chicago river. Me and my partner are out. Requesting assistance from firehouse 51 and and two ambulance." I replied
"Copy that ambulance 61." I hear main reply.
I sigh whilst trying to stay afloat.

Meanwhile, at the firehouse...
Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I'm sitting at the table talking to uncle Kelly when a call comes over the radio.
{alarm blares} "truck 81 and squad three. Ambulance 61 has been pushed into the Chicago river by the Chicago bridge. Request assistance." A male voice sounds
"Mom!" I panic.
Aunt Stella tells me I can ride in 81 with them. I wheel out. Uncle mouch helps me up and then puts my wheelchair in the back. We speed to the address. I see mom helping aunt Violet stay above water level. Squad three grabs out the life float and throw it out. My mom grabs on and is pulled to shore. Aunt Stella and the rest of 81 grabs violet and brings her to the shore. I wheel over and get out of my wheelchair. I kneel down and check to see if aunt violet is breathing. She isn't so I begin compressions. I count to thirty then stop. I check again. As I continue, Aunt Violet jerked up coughing. I sat her up and patted her gently on the back.
"What happened?" She asked weakly
"The ambo was pushed into the water. Your ok." I replied
"Brett?" Violet looked around.
"She's ok." I comforted her.
The other two ambulances arrive. One of them takes Aunt Violet. I get in my wheelchair and race over to mom.
"Mommy!" I cry as I see her unconscious.
The paramedic says i can ride along. I climb in slowly and pull in my wheelchair. I hold my mothers hand. The paramedic in the back was trying to do two things at once.
"Need help?" I ask, "my mom lets me help and ride along almost every shift."
The paramedic nodded, "can you do a IV and hang a bag of saline."
I nod. I grabbed the iv and bag from the compartment and hang the bag. I insert the iv line into my mom's hand and tape it down. I open the IV bag and let it run. We arrive at the hospital and we rush my mom into a room.  I wait for the doctors to check over mom then she is taken upstairs to the ICU. I wheel to be beside her and gently stand up and lean against the bed holding her hand. Dr Halstead walks in. He sees me standing.
"Oh you can stand?" Dr Halstead asks
I jump and slip over. He comes over and helps me into my wheel chair.
"Sorry." I smile, "I was able to feel my legs earlier. Mom was going to bring me in after shift but I guess that won't be happening.
A tear falls down my face. I feel my hand squeezed. I see mom's eyes open. I smile.
"Mom's awake." I tell dr Halstead.
He nods and disconnects moms tube. She coughs up a couple, mouthfuls of water.
"Ali?" My mom looks at me.
"I'm here momma!" I smile
"Violet?" Mom asks
"I'm ok!" Violets voice sounds at the door. I look over to see her walking in. She had been discharged earlier. She walks over to us. I stand up and hug her.
"Hey Brett," Violet looks over at mom, "this girl saved my life."
"Really?" Mom sits up a little.
Aunt Violet nods her head, "she did compressions and saved me."
"I'm so proud of you Aaliyah-Rose." My mom smiles.
My phone buzzes. I look and see Lillian is calling.
"Hey babe!" I answer.
"Is your mom ok." Lillian asks, "I saw it on the news."
"She's fine." I reply.
I change the call to a video. She waves at my mom.
"Hey lil," my mom waves back.
"Hi Sylvie." Lillian replies.
"Hey," my mom looks back at the phone, "do you think your mom can pick up M&M and look after them tonight?"
Lillian nodded.
We called Mayve and Matt M&M because their initials were both m's.
Suddenly Lillian changed her attitude and I noticed.
" babe, you ok!" I ask
"I'm fi-" she cut off her sentence with a scream. A man appeared holding a gun to Lillian's head.
"If you ever want to see your friend again" the man had a deep voice, "than I need you and you only at the abandoned warehouse on west 22nd at 2pm."
"Ok" I nodded slightly.
The call ended. I dropped my phone and wheeled out of the room.
"Aaliyah?" My mom calls for me.
I don't listen and just keep going. I find my way out to a balcony. I brake my wheelchair, slide out of it and sit in a ball in the corner.

Dr Reese's P.O.V:
I walk out to the balcony for some fresh air. I stand by the balcony railing when I hear sobs coming from a corner. I look over to see a wheelchair and a young teen girl sitting in a ball in the corner. I walk over and bend down.
"Hey there," I smile softly, "are you ok?"
The girl jumps looking scared, "who are you?"
"I'm doctor Reese." I explain, "what's your name?"
"Aaliyah." The girl whispered, "Aaliyah-Rose Casey."
"That's a pretty name," I reply.
My phone buzzes and I check it.

Code Amber. Missing girl. 16 year old girl. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Name: Aaliyah-Rose Casey. If found please bring to her mom in room 3 in the ICU.

"I think people are looking for you." I smile.
"He took her!" Aaliyah was shaking.
"Who did?" I ask
"The man!" Aaliyah looked up at me with guilty eyes
"Who did he take?"
"He took Lillian." Aaliyah cried, "and he wants me in return."
"Oh sweetie." I sighed and hugged her, "let's get you up to momma."
Aaliyah nodded. She grabbed onto the wheelchair and pulled herself into it.
"Let's go!" Aaliyah wheeled herself to the door.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
As i wheel beside doctor Reese I start to feel calmer. We make our way to moms room. When we get to the doorway, I see my mom crying.
"Mommy?" I whisper.
She looks up, "LiLi?"
I wheel to be beside her. She pulls me into a hug.
"What happened?" She asks as uncle Toni comes in.
"Uncle Toni." I smile, "thank goodness your here! I need to tell you something."

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