Part 13- Jump!

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Brett's P.O.V:
I go in to wake up my daughter for school and find her bed empty. Her window was open. I see a note on the window sill. I open it.

To Mom,
I love you a lot. You've been there through everything. I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore mom. Goodbye.


I drop the note. I didn't realise Aaliyah was feeling like this. I panicked and grabbed out my phone. I dial Gabby. Gabby picked up.
"Hey Brett, what's up?" Gabby asked, calm.
"Get over here quick and get Toni." I exclaimed panicking.
"What's wrong?" Gabby asked suddenly worried.
"Ali is gone and she left a note!" I explained, "I think she is trying to commit suicide."
"Oh god!" Gabby exclaimed, "I'm on my way!"
I ended the call. I grabbed the note and ran out the front. Gabby and Antonio pulled up a moment later. I ran over. I got in the car and they sped off. Antonio had lights and sirens flashing. A call came over his radio.
"21-13 squad," a voice came over, "we have a girl, mid teens who is standing over a bridge, asking for assistance. We are at the Chicago bridge.
"5021 Frank responding," Antonio called into the radio.
They sped to the bridge. I saw Aaliyah and jumped out of the car.
"LiLi!" I Called to her daughter
Aaliyah turned around, "Mom?"
"I'm here baby girl." I held out my arms, "come back over the railing."
Aaliyah shook her head, "I can't mommy. I have to be with daddy."
"I know darling I do." I began to cry, "but if you do it, I'll be all alone. Mayve and Matt will never know their sister. Please. I need you baby. Lillian needs you. The twins need you."
"I know. But I can't come back!" Aaliyah asked.
"Yes you can!" I tell her
"Yes!" Another voice sounded.
I looked over and saw Lillian standing there.
"Come back over please!!!" Lillian pleaded
Aaliyah was crying. She climbed over and ran into Lillian's arms. I ran over and hugged my daughter. I had been ordered to take her to a psychiatric facility. She was to be placed in a 72 hour hold. I didn't want to do it. I took her there and dropped her off. She was taken in. She screamed for me. I fell down crying.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
"Mommmmm! Don't let them take me!" I scream, "I'm sorry. They told me to. They forced me too. They staged it all. They wrote the note. They did it all!"
I was dragged away. My mom fell crying. I was pushed into a room. I was told to lie on a bed. Soon a psychiatrist came in.
"Hi there, I'm doctor Charles." The psychiatrist sat down, "you must be Aaliyah."
I nodded. I burst into tears.
"Hey what's wrong?" Dr charles asked.
"I had to." I explained, "they forced me too. They made me do it all."
"Who did?" Dr charles asked
"Brixton and Zachary." I cried.
"What did they make you do?" Dr charles asked
"They made me act like I wanted to commit suicide. I didn't want to. They forced me." I exclaimed.
Suddenly everything went fuzzy then went black.

Dr. Charles P.O.V:
I was talking with Aaliyah when she passed out. I checked her pulse. It was weak. A monitor beside her beeped. She had low blood pressure and heart rate. She wasn't breathing.
"I need help in here!" I yelled.
Nurses ran in. One continued compressions and I intubated. I saw that sheets under her were red. I rolled her and saw a long incision on her back. She had been cut open. I could see the bone and it was snapped. I rolled her back over and doctors ran her bed into an O.R. She was moved to a recovery psychiatric room. She woke an hour later. I took out her intubation tube.

Aaliyah's P.O.V:
I opened my eyes and saw a tube coming out of my mouth. Dr Charles was sitting beside me and he removed it. I coughed and drank some water.
"How you feeling?" He asked.
"I can't feel my legs." I explained tiredly.
Dr Charles stood up, "your spine was fractured, you are paralysed."
"It's all their fault." Aaliyah cried.
"I know. I am releasing you early but you will be in surgery recovery for a week. After that well your in wheels." Dr Charles sighed.
"I want mommy!" I cried.
"She's on her way." Dr Charles squeezed my hand, "I'll move you now."
He moved me into a new room and a few moments later mom ran in followed by Lillian.
"Oh baby." Mom exclaimed crying
"Mommy!" I cried hugging her.b
"Hey babe!" Lillian kissed my forehead.
I smiled.
"I'm paralysed." I whispered.
Lillian and my mom lent back a bit.
"What?" My mom asked.
"I'm paralysed." I replied a little louder,
Lillian sat on the bed beside me.
"Oh babe!" Lillian kissed me, "I'm so sorry. I'll always be here."
I smiled. I kissed her back.

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