Harry shot up immediately, "You mean, they're going to kill them?"

"No, it's worse" said Hermione.

"They're going to suck out their souls" she said

"How? Why?" exclaimed Harry, "They're innocent! Pettigrew was tied up! Snape saw he was and so did Lupin!"

"That's the thing," began Hermione, "whilst Snape was busy healing Silvia, Pettigrew somehow got ahold of my wand and he used it to untie himself and he transformed back into the rat and ran off."

"That's nonsense!" Shouted Harry.

"We know, mate" said Ron from his hospital bed.

Harry was about to speak again until the doors to the Hospital Wing opened and Dumbledore walked in followed by Fudge, Madame Pomfrey, Snape and Lupin.

Hermione walked over to him, "Headmaster, you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong people!"

Harry added on, "It's true, sir! Sirius and Silvia are innocent!"

Ron spoke up too, "It's Scabbers who did it."

"Scabbers?" Questioned Dumbledore.

"He's my rat, sir. Well, he's not really a rat. Well, he was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl-"

"Nonsense!" Fudge spoke continuing,

"They've clearly bewitched these poor children into playing their game"

"Minister, what they are saying is the truth," started Snape "Myself and Lupin here where there, we saw it"

The Minister laughed in disbelief, "Oh dear! They've even bewitched professors!"

Madame Pomfrey grew annoyed, "Minister! This is a hospital wing not an interrogation room!"

"Don't worry, Black and his wife will be taking the dementor's kiss right about now." Said Fudge.

All at once, Lupin, Snape and the trio were yelling all sorts of things at the man.

"Out, now! You're stressing out my patients!" shouted Poppy

"Poppy, I would like to have a word with Ron, Harry and Hermione if you wouldn't mind?" spoke Dumbledore.

"Yes, I do mind!" Responded Poppy.

"I'm afraid this cannot wait," he spoke before turning to the Minister and speaking again, "Minister why don't you step outside with Professor Snape and Professor Lupin for a moment. I'd like to have a word with Mr Potter and his friends here."

Fudge nodded his head reluctantly before walking out of the room with Lupin and Snape, Madam Pomfrey following close behind.

Once the door closed, Hermione spoke again to the Headmaster, "Please believe us"

"I do, Miss Granger, but I'm sorry to say the word of three thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others" he responded looking between the two.

Dumbledore walked towards Ron's bedside. He spoke once more, "A child's voice, however honest and true,"he placed his hand on Ron's injured leg, Ron practically leapt out of the bed as he grimaced. Dumbledore continued, "is meaningless to those who've forgotten to listen"

Dumbledore kept patting Ron's leg as he spoke, Ron looked up at him inhaling a sharp breath as he looked at him pissed.

The bells tolling in the distance sparked Dumbledore's interest as he walked back towards Harry and Hermione speaking, "A mysterious thing, time" he walked towards the doors as he continued, "Powerful..and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius and Silvia Black are in the topmost cell of the dark tower." He spun around swiftly and faced Hermione before he spoke again, "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before the last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss."

Dumbledore took in a breath before talking in a hushed tone, "If you succeed tonight,  more than two innocent lives may be spared." The bell chimed again in the distance. Dumbledore gestured with his fingers, "Three turns should do it, I think." Dumbledore winked at the two before leaving the Hospital Wing.

Just as he was about to close the doors, he added "Oh, by the way. When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin"

"Good luck" he spoke in a playful voice before closing the doors to the Hospital Wing.

When no one said anything, Ron spoke up, "What the bloody hell was that all about?"

Hermione turned around to face him, "Sorry Ron, but seeing as you can't walk."

Hermione pulled the time-turner out of her jacket and clasped it around Harry. Harry tried to touch it,


Sighing, Hermione turned the time-turner three times. Harry looked around gobsmacked as time went backwards extremely fast, people coming in and out of the hospital wing. Hermione unclasped the time-turner from around Harry and tucked it back into her jacket.

"What just happened?" Asked Harry clueless.

"Where's Ron?" He wondered

Hermione turned to him, "seven-thirty. Where were we at seven-thirty?"

"I don't know, going to Hagrid's?" He answered.

Hermione grabbed ahold of his hand, "Come on, and we can't be seen."

A/n: I can't believe POA is almost over! Hope you enjoyed! <3

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