Chapter 7

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Dean was wondering if his alpha received his and his packmate's distress call. He and his fellow hybrids growl threateningly at the three same Shadowhunters from before. Their eyes glowing, fangs and claws brandished, ready for a fight.

Izzy was ready to serpent bracelet into a whip or staff, Alec reaching out a bow to fire, and Jace held his hands up to calm the situation down.

"Easy, we aren't here to start any trouble?"

"Are you sure about that?" Kimberly sneered. She eyes Izzy and Alec with caution. "Why are you armed then and ready to fire away if you came here to discuss?"

Jace smiles with no fear. "I'm a Shadowhunter. Would be careless of us to not be armed given it is a cruel world out there. Look all we want is to see the girl."

"What girl?" Chris spat, acting oblivious to what Jace is referring.

Jace deadpanned. "Cute. Look we're not here to start a fight."

"If that is the case," Everyone turn to see Klaudia announcing herself as she stepped outside. Clary and her loved ones remained safely inside. Klaudia had both hands to her hips. "What use would a mundane be to your people and why so persistent?"

Jace's jaws tense. "Klaudia, we're not here to fight so tell your hounds to back off cause we will fight if they attack my siblings or I. We won't be held accountable if someone gets reckless."

"Is that a threat?" Dean growls angrily.

Jace keep his face unreadable. "It wasn't a threat. Just stating facts."

Klaudia does not try to get under the blonde's skin, she was serious, especially with recent revelation. "Even if there is a girl you speak of, may I ask what is it you plan to do to her? Has she broken one of your laws that warrants her to be taken into custody?"

Izzy stepped in. "She's not in any trouble." She looks at Jace then back at the Original Hybrid. "My brother here is concerned that the girl you have associated yourself with is a Shadowhunter. Only concern is that she is not taken into account of being affiliated with our institute. Not to mention she possesses the Sight. My older brother Alec and I speculate that she was a Downworlder but Jace thinks otherwise and won't drop the subject." She leans in, placing her hand near her mouth to whisper loudly enough so Jace and everyone heard her. "Between you and me I think he's just obsessed on seeing a pretty face."

Jace gave his sister a dry look. "You really think I put pleasure before business?"

"Don't you always on the job?" She fired back.

Klaudia feels this feeling in her chest. A level of threat and anger of Jace pursuing Clary. "Well I hate to burst your bubble, Shadowhunter, but I or the girl have no interest in associating with your flock."

Jace coolly exhaled. "What's one little conversation gonna hurt."

Klaudia does not move from her spot. "Leave as this is none of your business."

"If she is a Shadowhunter, I'd say it kind of is."

"Let me take care of him for you." Daniel offered, walking next to Klaudia's side, glaring at Jace who smiles.

"Take care of me, furball? That's adorable. Don't you wanna buy me some dinner first?"

His werewolf anger triggered by the dog pun. Daniel vamp speed towards Jace only he kept going forward, baffled that he did not tackle Jace. His momentum was used against him, making him fall face first into the sidewalk. Daniel gets up, dumbfounded as were the rest of his companions. Even Klaudia is surprised.

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