Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

All hell broke loose the second Klaudia stepped into the Fray/Fairchild residence and easily tore apart the demons with her bare hands.

Clary kept her eyes glued at the blonde who walks a little in the apartment with a cocky smirk plastered on her face. Luke glares hard at Klaudia as he stood in front of Jocelyn and Clary, two of the important women in the world to him other than his sister. Jocelyn confused and looks down at her daughter with questions on how this woman knows her.

Valentine on the other hand kept an unreadable expression, but you can tell from his eyes that they burrow into Klaudia's with revolt.

"If it isn't the infamous Valentine Morgenstern." Klaudia smirks wider. "I don't believe we've ever had the chance of meeting as your reputation is one to be noted. The Uprising sure gets out unless the new generation are oblivious."

"Klaudia Mikaelson." Valentine said. A gasp can be heard from Jocelyn upon hearing the Original Hybrid's name. "I'd say it's a pleasure of meeting one of the Originals, the worst of them all but then I'd be biting my tongue for lying. I must're not that impressive as I'd imagined for a monster known as the Great Evil."

Original? Great Evil? Clary is in shock and trembling. The hell is going on?! Just who is Klaudia Mikaelson?

Klaudia pouts, giving a fake offended look. "You humor me Valentine. Still trying to rid the world of demons I see?"

"And you're just another one I must exterminate." Valentine shot back. "You may not be descended from pure demons, but you and your vampire species are much as demons as stories go on about your reckoning throughout centuries. Step aside as this has nothing to do with you. In fact I hardly see why the Original Vampire must concern herself in my affairs."

Klaudia puts both arms behind her back and chuckles. "First off you sod I'm the Original Hybrid. Half-Original and Half-Cursed Werewolf. Just making sure the latter is specified given we have another wolf in the room," Eying Luke with a smirk that makes Luke growl in a warning manner to back off. "Second I am afraid this is my concern as you see I just felt like something had been wrong. Recently Clary called me about a little issue she had with her mother and after the night we spent together well...I couldn't stay away now could I? Maybe ask the lady for to join me for dinner as a date." She wiggled her brows teasingly at the ginger hair who blushed.

Luke and Jocelyn's jaws drop from hearing this that Clary had spent a night with Klaudia. Worse, the latter knew her daughter had slept with someone and that someone was the being she thought was just a story and is the worst creature on the planet!

Valentine scoffed with disgust. "Slumming with another demon. Either way you both will be dead. I came for Jocelyn. Stay out of my way Hybrid as you do not want this fight for you will make a big mistake of making me your enemy." His words cold as the icy winds from Hell that would have unnerved anyone.

Klaudia was not distraught and instead kept her smirk on since arriving. "Oh but you see I do want this. Do you not think it is fate that it was time to see who is the biggest player on the field? You or me? For you see..." She spreads her arms theatrically. "I cannot be killed."

"So you and your siblings keep saying but anything that bleeds," Valentined raised his hand and by an unseen force threw Klaudia into the wall, making her hit a book shelf. The harsh impact makes Clary panic as Klaudia groans and looks up with a glare, her smirk now gone. Valentine kept a narrowed look at her. "Can be killed and I will prove it." He takes out his Seraph Blade and activates it. "Uriel." The blade manifest, glowing bright. He points his blade at the Original Hybrid with his demons behind him and orders. "Get her and kill the wolves. Jocelyn stays alive."

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