Chapter 4

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Spilling the truth was like spilling guts out. That was what is was like for Jocelyn as her daughter sat in a chair while she sat on the couch with Luke by her side. "For starters you know your real surname is Fairchild...but it's possibly not just that alone." Jocelyn felt like bile rising in her throat.

Clary patiently sat. Tapping her fingers on her thighs. "If it's not just Fairchild then I'm guessing my other possible surname is from my real father isn't it? Mom please, I'm ready to know the truth."

"Y-You're right. Sorry, I just hope you handle what I'm about to say. To know it all we have to start from the beginning. You might hate me."

Clary shook her head. "Mom, I would never hate you." Speaking softly. "I'm just upset. I doubt the memory thing pales in what else you've done. So please, I'm all ears."

Jocelyn nods. "Very well. I think the one thing you should know most important is the kind of man your father is." Clary leaned close, noticing how Luke sucked in some air, looking as if he was bracing himself for a punch. This wasn't gonna go well. "Your real father's name is Valentine Morgenstern. The surname you could have had if I had stayed with your father and been together.

Clary noticed Luke shift uncomfortably. She knew he harbored feelings for her mom but was afraid her mom wouldn't return them. Maybe she should do something about that as she saw the man as a father figure. "Valentine...he's not a good person is he now?"

Luke and Jocelyn exchange unease glances. Jocelyn gave a pain expression. "The man I knew before I married and fell in love, he was different. You might say he is the Lucifer in this. God's brightest and beautiful angel until Lucifer Fell from Grace. To Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike I suppose you can say he's a man but a man hiding a monster behind his face."

"When I was your age I had fell in love with him. I and everyone can see he was the definition of brilliance, clever, wonderful, funny, and charming. If you had known how Valentine is firsthand you might think I would be losing my mind." Smiling bitterly. "But this is the story."

"Your mom and I were born in the homeland of the Shadowhunters named Idris." Luke answers. "A hidden sanctuary given to us by the angel Raziel. It's located in Central Europe, between Germany, France, and Switzerland. The capital city your mom and I trained to become full pledge Shadowhunters is the city Alicante. The City of Glass."

"Wait, you're saying there's a home country for Shadowhunters?" Clary shot her brows up. "How does no one-"

"Special wardings placed around the country's borders." Luke smiles. "Any mundane that come into close proximity will instantly be transported to the other side of a barrier surrounding Idris."

Clary flopped back in her seat. "Oh, never mind. Forgot about that. Please continue."

Jocelyn chuckles with a nod. "Anyway, we were young, in fact Luke and I were far younger than you when we begun training at the Shadowhunter Academy. My parents' names were Adele Nightshade and Granville Fairchild II. Your grandparents from my family lineage."

"Are they-"

"No." Jocelyn sadly shook her head. "They umm, they died and...your father is the reason why." Clary's jaws dropped in shock and horror. Jocelyn closed her eyes, knowing she has to continue. "My old home. Our old home was burnt. The Fairchild Manor lies in ruins. Anyway as I was young, I met Luke and his older sister, Amatis."

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