Even at Her Worst

Start from the beginning

Enid absolutely did not spend one of the two hours Wednesday was gone on Tik Tok. And the other hour on Tumblr. In her defense, she didn't have any other plans for the night. She was mainly relying on the entertainment of annoying her roommate via her brand-new unicorn pajamas. She gave Wednesday a wide grin once she walked in, Wednesday throwing a flower at her. Enid looked at it, gasping, "oh, Willa, it's so pretty!"

"I found it in the dead grass. It was ruining a perfectly good view. I thought you'd enjoy it. You have a lot in common with it," Wednesday said, sitting on the edge of her bed. Enid didn't even berate her for tracking mud everywhere like she usually did, admiring the flower,

"Aw, thanks Wednesday. I'm choosing to ignore that last part." She left to steal a vase from a faculty member, returning and filling it with the right amount of water, according to Google, placing the singular flower inside, "it looks so lonely."

"I will make sure to bring you any more that I find ruining the scenery."

"You're so sweet," Enid smiled, walking over and putting a finger on her shoulder. Wednesday looked up at her, her pale face as expressionless as always. Enid smiled even wider, "how're the bees?" She teased.

"They are doing very well. Eugene will be happy," Wednesday said, moving across the room to her typewriter. Enid caught the stiffness in her movements, touching the scars on her own face in sympathy. She knew Wednesday's shoulder still hurt, sometimes. Just like her scars occasionally flashed with pain.

"That's good. You gonna go to bed soon?" She asked.

"Yes, once I finish an hour of writing. And I need to look into the stalker a bit more," Wednesday sat at her desk, her fingers already typing away even as she spoke. Enid sighed slightly, glancing over the pictures of a few texts Wednesday had already printed out. The girl in question was determined to find whoever it was, less out of fear and more out of curiosity.

Enid was afraid though. Some of the messages were downright obscene. Her fingertips burned at just the thought, her claws threatening to appear. Wednesday's phone rang. Enid sat up, "who is it?" Wednesday lifted up her phone,

"My parents," she sighed, clumsily accepting the call. Enid found it amusing to watch her try to use her phone. Her fingers, though small, were definitely more suited for her type-writer than anything.

Along with the messages from the stalker, Wednesday constantly received calls and texts from her parents, who had been elated to find out that she had finally decided to keep a phone she was given, to put it lightly. Wednesday saw them as an annoyance.

Enid was jealous. Her own parents rarely texted her, and never called. And even when they did text, it was just another reminder that she should be "trying harder," or bringing her grades up, or remembering to conceal her scars to "ensure that the Nevermore werewolf males would be interested in her." She had yet to block her mother. She might soon, though.

Wednesday and her parents talked in Spanish for a few minutes, Wednesday not very pleased with the interruption judging by the scowl on her face. Enid giggled.

"Oh, did I hear Enid?" Morticia asked from the phone, "hello, dear." Enid smiled widely,

"Hey, Mrs. Addams." Wednesday had invited her over to her residence over the break the students received after the defeat of Crackstone. Enid had gotten to meet her family. While the Addams family found her extraordinarily strange, they also loved her, and Enid actually had Morticia's phone number now for emergencies. Specially, Wednesday-induced emergencies that probably involved running around at midnight covered in blood. She'd had to use the phone number twice already.

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