Chapter 48

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Dani woke up to Gavin's crying out. She got up quickly and sat back down when the initial head rush hit her. When she opened her eyes again, she was confused by her surroundings.

"Where am I?"


"Gavin!" She shook off her confusion and let instinct take over; she found him in the bedroom across the hall.

"Shh, it's okay." She sat down at his bedside, stroking his hair.

"Auntie Dani?" Gavin's sleepy eyes opened just barely. "How come you are at Daddy's house?"

"I came to tell those bad dreams to go away."

"I don't like them." Gavi whimpered.

She climbed into bed beside him and cuddled him to her. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

"I don't 'member." His eyes were starting to close again. She held him until he fell asleep.

She heard footsteps getting close. Was that Rocco? His silhouette filled the doorway.

"Is he okay?" he whispered.

She nodded. She carefully lifted Gavin off her arm so she could get up. Even though she couldn't see that well in the dark room, she could feel his eyes on her as she stepped closer. The blue light from Gavin's nightlight illuminated his handsome face.

"I'm surprised you're awake."

"Shh." She put a finger to her lips.

He took her hand in his, the electricity sending a shiver up her arm; she followed him out to a big living room, kitchen combo area.

"Are you okay?" His eyes looked her over. Worry etched across his handsome face.

"I'm okay," she assured him. "Physically I mean. I .. hate drugs I never wanted to touch them. I feel so violated." 

"You were!" he said angrily. "You sure you're okay?"

"I.. think so. It's a strange feeling. I remember everything that happened, but it feels like a dream."

"Everything?" His voice was quiet, but the hope in his tone and eyes meant the world.


His eyes lit up joyfully, and her heart jumped into her throat.

"I love you, too Rocco." Her body trembled from the love she saw shining in his eyes. The enormity of the night was just so much. The emotion spilled over to tears. She grabbed his shirt and buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. His chin rested on her head.

"What are we going to do?" She pulled away slightly as their eyes locked. They held each other in place until their mouths crashed against each other's as if of their own accord, in a desperate and needy kiss that left them both breathless.

"We're going to fight through this," he said. "Together, not apart; I can't be apart. I hate that I hurt you."

"Why? Why did you say those things to me?" her voice shook a little with those hurtful memories. 

"Don't be upset, Please, I never meant them. It was Lexi's idea, she said you'd never leave otherwise. She pointed out how Lys would hurt you on the stand and I had to save you from her," Rocco explained. "She did if for you though, don't be mad at her. But I get if if you're still mad at me." 

"How can I stay mad at you? Just- promise you will never push me away again. I don't care if you think it's protecting me, you're not." Dani said as she cupped his face and peered deeply into his eyes. 

The Sister Between ThemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora