Chapter 42

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When Dani returned to the hotel, she was exhausted, anxious, and upset. Her mind felt like it was spinning in a million directions all at once. Alyssa's story was her version of events. She didn't believe much her sister said but the facts were that some things added up.

"It's easier to vilify you than face his feelings," Dani repeated what Alyssa had said out loud. That was exactly what happened in that office.

He accused her of being like Katherine and Alyssa. He alluded to her benefitting from him... he made her the villain and then decided to push her away.

Why? She was up and pacing once again.

Did Alyssa bringing it up really trigger that strong of a reaction from him? Or was she missing something?

He can be downright cruel... Alyssa's words popped into her head. She'd never have believed that until today.

It wasn't just the things he said but how he told them. They'd replay in her mind all night, forever, probably.

How could she even consider staying now? What would happen when he found her still here? She shuddered at the thought of another confrontation like that with Rocco. She didn't think her heart could take it.

But...Alyssa was right; Gavin was going to need her. His life was about to get so shaky, and she could be his rock. If not her, who would be? Could she find a way to forget about Rocco to just be there for Gavin? She could easily avoid him since he'd just pick up and drop Gavin off. 

Her cell rang, breaking up her thoughts, and she sighed, seeing it was Lexi. Someone else she was wrong about.

"Hello?" She answered, doing her best to keep her voice impassive.

"Hey, Dani. I just wanted to check in," she said softly. "You doing okay?"

"Dante told you about the meeting?" Dani assumed.

"Yeah... how did it go?"

"Lexi, why did you tell Rocco about the mountain?" She was too tired to beat around it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt. So I just -"

"What? You did what?"

There was a long pause, and then finally, she spoke up.

"If there was anything or if he thought there ever could be anything. I wanted to know. So, you'd know if it was worth waiting for him." Lexi confessed.

Dani knew she shouldn't ask this next question. After what happened today, she knew better but couldn't ignore it. She just couldn't.

"What did he say?"

"I'm sorry, Dani," Lexi said slowly and softly. "He doesn't want to be with you, and I'm not sure he ever will."

Dani felt like the entire world ceased to exist the second she said it.

"Dani... are you okay?"

"Goodnight, Lexi." She clicked the phone off. Her tears were starting to fall again.

She was a mix of angry and sad. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but she knew what happened on that mountain was real. Nothing in her life felt more real than that moment.

Maybe it scared him so bad he just had no choice but to push her away now. She considered calling Kara for advice, but she knew she'd both tell her to forget Rocco and come home.

"He told you to leave. His good friend told you he doesn't want you. Go home," Dani told herself too.

The trouble was her heart didn't want to listen to her mind.

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