Chapter 38

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Rocco felt a sense of sadness as the cabin became smaller in the rearview mirror. It felt like the dream of him and Dani was tied into the cabin, and he didn't want to leave it yet.

That kiss was like nothing he'd ever known before. It was passionate and untamed but at the same time, it felt grounding, like coming home. He leaned back in the passenger seat and closed his eyes, hoping to savor this one last moment before peace as he knew it would come to an end.

Dante had suggested Lexi and Dani drive Gavin as they could take their time and have some fun on the way back. At the same time, it would give the brothers a chance to start discussing what's next.

A conversation Rocco was both ready and not ready to have. It would be one of many. Truth be told, though, the conversation could wait until they were back.

Tensions were still high between Dante and Lexi, so his brother's suggestion likely had more to do with that than anything. Whatever he could do to avoid thinking about it or facing the jealousy that causes these little blow-ups in the first place. They'd settle down in a few days and go back to their relaxed vibe. The problem was they'd never talk it out, just sweep it under the rug and go on. It was an exhausting and never-ending cycle. 

"You'll need to rent a house soon." Dante's voice broke his thoughts up. "Of course, you can stay with us till you find something."

"For how often she travels, wouldn't it make more sense for me to stay in our house with Gavin?"

"Sure, once custody has been established. But until then, you can't kick her out. You need to be the one coming off as reasonable.".

"It's unreasonable to leave a child with her," Rocco argued. "Yes, she will get visitations, but I need to have primary custody."

"We'll try and rush a custody arrangement to the judge; however, they will want to see you work together in co-parenting. You know as well as I do that we have to do everything by the book."

"And you know as well as I do that all she wants is money and the house. Let's make an offer and get her to go away."

"We do something like that, and her lawyers will use it against us."

"Not if we offer the right amount."

"Are you willing to gamble on that? We have no idea what her long game is, Rocco. But I promise she has one," Dante sighed. "We do know that she'll do whatever it takes, including using Gavin."

Rocco rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on already.

"This whole thing is being done by the book," Dante said with a final tone to his voice. "I know you haven't done family law in a long time, but you know how it goes. They always favor the mother. It's up to us to prove you're a better parent."

"I know, Dante," Rocco sighed sadly.

"It's not going to be easy. But I don't lose," Dante promised.

"I know you don't." Rocco agreed. Dante was an excellent family lawyer, of which he had no doubt.

"About Dani ...."

"Dante, not now; we have enough to figure-"

"Yes, now," Dante cut in.

"Rocco, she's our best bet as a character witness to Alyssa's negligence. But it's over the second the judge gets any inkling that she's closer to you than her sister."

"You shouldn't have brought her here." He added. "I should have realized that."

"Gavin needed her too."

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