Chapter 43

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Gavin was all smiles and full of energy the following day as they drove back to the house. He clutched his Kiki doll and chatted away about how funny Uncle Dante was. Rocco tried his best to keep his energy positive despite dreading the meeting.

Dante entertained Gavin for most of the morning while Rocco packed some of their stuff. He'd have to get the rest from the house slowly over time. First things first was sitting down with Alyssa and trying to work out this custody thing. Then they'd have to sit down with Gavin and explain what's happening—two things he was dreading but knew needed to happen.

Gavin was racing towards the house as soon as he pulled up. Rocco frowned, realizing he probably assumed Dani was here. That was going to make this whole thing all the more difficult.

Rebecca answered the door, and Gavin was really excited to see her. Surprisingly enough, she gave him a big hug and was very sweet with him.

"I'll take him outside to play while you two talk." Rebecca offered with a gracious smile.

"Can my Auntie Dani play with us too?" Gavin asked her as Rebecca took his hand and started walking to the backyard.

"Not today, sweet boy. But we are going to have so much fun! I have a surprise for you!" Rebecca said and that worked. Gavin was instantly curious about the surprise and let his other question go for the moment.

Rocco shrugged a bit in surprise and stepped inside. Alyssa was sitting on the couch. She was dressed up in a white mini-dress with ankle boots. Her hair was left down and wavy. A tall, sturdy-looking man with dark hair streaked with grey was sitting next to Alyssa. He had a no-nonsense type of expression in his eyes as he sat calmly; he looked familiar, but Rocco couldn't place him.

"This is Leonardo Donato. My attorney."' Alyssa said with a smug look on her face.

Donato? Rocco's eyebrows furrowed. "I know the name... but I thought you focus and specialize in financial law. Your firm is known for—"

Well, devouring the poor and making the rich richer, but Rocco didn't say all that.

"On the contrary," Leonardo said in a smooth baritone tone. "I practiced family law for several years. Tate Manning reached out on behalf of his daughter, he is a big client of ours."

"You spoke to your father?" Rocco was stunned but Alyssa just shrugged it off, she very rarely bothered  going to Tate for anything, as the answer was normally no. This time she'd gotten to him it seemed. 

"He's been through a major divorce, twice. Made more sense to call him then Katherine." 

"I thought this was supposed to be an informal thing to discuss temporary custody?" Rocco kicked himself for not realizing she'd outsmart him.

"Oh, it is. Mr. Romano. Alyssa just wanted me to be here to mediate" Leonardo's fake soothing voice was grating on Rocco's nerves.

"Fine."' Rocco gritted. "Considering recent events, I think Gavin should spend most of his time with me."

"That's unfair, Rocco," Alyssa said. "It was an accident."

"An accident that could've been tragic." Rocco pointed out.

"Honestly, Rocco. You were just waiting for something to use against me."

"With all due respect Mr. Romano. You can't legally use this against her," Leonardo informed him." Child services investigated and dropped the case."

"I thought you were just here to meditate?" Rocco questioned.

"I'd like this to go smoothly. The courts want to see you trying to work it out independently during the separation process." Leonardo said without missing a beat the Donato firm was the most successful law firms in Sun City, if not the entire country. 

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