Chapter Eight - Surprise! (Tam) {Wow, this happened so quickly :/}

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Cause I can and no one said I couldn't.

I didn't know how to react to the big news. I just stared in shock as Magnate Leto walked out. Since when was anything so straight forward with this guy? I looked over at Sophie, who was just looking confusedly after him.

Then Forkle's head popped in and the rest of his bloated body followed. "Well, are you going to call your friends Miss Foster? I don't have all day." We both gaped at him. I turned toward Sophie again to see what she wanted me to do. "What?" Mr. Forkle wondered, eyeing us suspiciously.

Restrain him on three, Sophie transmitted to Elwin and I. One, two, three!

We both leaped at the wrinkly elf before he could realize what was happening.


A/N: Because I have writer's block right now, I'm just going to skip to a good part. I'm sowy!

(So, Sophie now has all her abilities and she and Tam are married. Kidding! I'm joking, about the marriage part.)

We were at Havenfield in Sophie's room. I watched as Sophie sighed in frustration. Elwin offered to help her with her flasher ability and I was there because...  Well... Alright, fine, I don't have a good excuse. I was just there.

"Aargh!" Sophie yelled out again. "Why is light so stupidly annoying? It won't stop teasing me!" I raised my eyebrow at her, silently asking for an explanation. "Don't ask," she warned, and tried again. When she wasn't able to put the light in the bottle for the fifteenth time, she instead smashed it with the light. "Tam, give me a good reason not to kill someone," Sophie demanded.

"Ummm, if you go to exile, Keefe, Fitz and I will kill the council," I tried, though it wasn't very convincing.

She looked at me confusedly. "I said give me a reason not to kill someone." I rolled my eyes at her joke and punched her lightly in the shoulder.

"Keefe's rubbing off on you," I told her, but then regretted it. Sophie looked down at the ground and tugged on an eyelash. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" I wondered worriedly as I stepped down in front of her.

She looked at me with tears welling up in her eyes. Keefe and I are done, she transmitted. We aren't a thing anymore.

I was very surprised by that, her and Keefe were perfect for each other, practically soulmates! What do you mean, "done?" I shadow whispered, getting the vibe that Sophie didn't want this conversation to be overheard. Did he do it? Do you want me to punch him?

Sophie gave me a small smile. No, don't punch him. I actually agree with him. Keefe told me that I loved someone other than him and that he doesn't want to hold me back. Before you ask, he never told me who, though I think I know, She explained.

Who do you think you like? I questioned curiously.

Sophie took a deep breath. "Here we go," I thought I heard her mumble, but was probably just imagining it. However, I was not prepared in anyway when she said, "Tam, I- I love you." I just stood there, gaping, at her. Sophie blushed, "I knew I shouldn't have told you, I know that you don't like me that way. I'm sorry." I smiled and shook my head at her, which made things worse. "It's fine, just go," she told me. "You don't have to stay."

"Sophie-" I tried, but she cut me off.

"Please, Tam just go. I can't handle another rejection." I huffed at her insistence, cursing Sophie's oblivious. Seriously, how did Keefe do this? I tried again to tell Sophie that I loved her as well, but the darn girl cut me off again! "Just leave me alone, Tam!"

I was getting really annoyed at her. Can't she just let me finish? When Sophie interrupted me yet again, I grabbed her arms and kissed her. Suddenly, she stopped struggling and kissed me back. I softly set my hands on her waist as she snaked hers around my neck and tangled her fingers in my hair.

As we pulled away, I grinned at her. "Now will you listen to me?" I asked as Sophie blushed and hid behind her hair. When she didn't respond, I went on. "Sophie. I love you. I always have, and I always will. I am not just saying this to spare your feelings, I truly love you."

Sophie peeked at me from her hair. "Really?" She whispered.

I nodded and kissed her again. "I love you," I mumbled into her lips. We both flung apart as we heard someone coming up the stairs. Thankfully, it was just Edaline checking on us. That reminded me of something. "Sophie, if your parents okay it, would you be my girlfriend?"

Her breath hitched and she nodded slowly.

A/N: Hi guys! I'm so sorry! I have a bad case of writers block right now, that's why this chapter is so... I don't even know, my mind is working through a headache and a long day of school and my art teacher's 45 minutes of rambling a day. So... Yeah. Um.. I'll probably edit this part sometime in my life.
Love you Sweets!
-Amalia ❤️

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