Chapter one - Makeovers (Sophie)

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I entered Everglen teleporting. I wanted to exercise my running technique, and accidentally imagined the inside of the mansion. Big mistake. Unfortunately, everyone else was already there, so they could all see me hanging from the chandelier. Everyone was on the floor, laughing so hard that tears were coming down their cheeks. "Can somebody please get me down?" I nearly shouted, looking at Tam for help. He was the only one who was at least trying to contain their laughter. He levitated up to me and brought me down. It was a little shaky, though cause he was chuckling. "There you go," Tam said as he put me down. I blushed and thanked him.

"That's one way to drop on in, eh Foster?" Keefe teased me. "Maybe you could give me some pointers?" A giggle rang through the room and I gave them all my best glare while blasting them which an inflictor beem. Not harmful, but effective. Tam was the only one spared from my awesome works. When they got over their shock, I looked at everyone's faces. I didn't know who had been invited and wanted to know who had dirt on me: Tam, Linh, Dex, Biana, Keefe, Fitz, Marella, Maruca, Jensi Stina, and Wylie. I was surprised to see that Reyni was here as well. "Do they finally trust you?" I asked. "Yep!" She responded. "They let me in the Swan Gang as well!" Reyni held up a swan shaped monocle. "That's awesome!" I congratulated. "Did they let you in our little gang too?" "Yeah, Linh gave the okay." She responded, with a polite nod toward Linh.

She smiled and said, "I can't believe I didn't trust you earlier! I'm really sorry about that," she apologized. Reyni just waved the apology away. "Anyway," I shouted. "I've never been to a sleepover, what do we do first?" I knew I never should have said that. I could see Biana's sly smile even before everyone else did. "The boys will do whatever they want down here, but us girls are going to do..." I braced myself to run. "MAKEOVERS!" I ran out of that room faster than an alicorn after swizzlespice. "SOPHIE!" Biana angrily shouted. "YOU GET BACK HERE! YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A MAKEOVER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" I continued running, afraid to go back for my life.

Suddenly, I ran into something hard. "Hey there, Sophie. Is Biana trying to give you a makeover?" Alden asked. A great idea popped into my head. "No, actually, she sent me to get you," I told him, while transmitting my plan to Keefe. He came running down the stairs nearly as fast as me. "Foster!" He shouted. Did you find Alden yet?" "Yep!" I shouted back. Then Keefe spotted him. "Oh, hey, Alden. Biana needs you to clarify a few things for her." Alden sighed and mumbled something about unpredictable teenagers. I gripped Keefe's hand and transmitted, If you guys even think about tricking me, I will put mallowmelt in your hair and send Grady after you. Keefe ran away yelling at the top of his lungs.

"What was that about?" Alden wondered. "Guilty," I muttered under my breath. Out loud I said, "Hey Alden, I might have to hide. Biana's trying to trick me. Can you go to the reception hall? That's where everyone is." I didn't give him a second to respond, I just ran through the house and out the door. "GOTCHA!" Biana yelled, appearing out of nowhere. She quickly jumped on me and shouted, "Quickly! Put a force field around her!" A blue light flashed, and suddenly, a thin wall of light wrapped around me. "You're very evil, you know that right?" I questioned, turning toward all the girls. "I'm only evil when it comes to your fashion," Biana replied cheekily. "Oh, and thanks for sending Dad over for a makeover as well." I glared at them. "I was hoping that he would make a good trade." "Nope!" Linh sang. "We let him go. It's more fun to torture you." And I thought she was really sweet, I grumbled in my head.

They led me back to the reception hall, and Keefe started laughing. "Did the girls get ya, Foster?" I ignored him, instead reminding him of my earlier threat. "Don't worry Sencen, I'm sure Grady can make time for you too." All the boys howled with laughter and Keefe went so pale, he looked like a ghost. "Love you too," he whimpered quietly. I rolled my eyes and let the girls lead me to Biana's room. I tried to struggle, but there still was a blue force field around me, so I couldn't struggle much. They were finally able to strap me to a chair. Biana haf literal chains connected to the chair! She must have been expecting me. Biana started ordering the girls around, telling them what to be looking for.

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