Chapter Six - (Sophie +Tam)

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I watched as the bottle of youth kept spinning. I know I didn't spin it that hard. Keefe was probably using teleknises so that it would land on him. I'm not complaining though. I watched as it spun and spun and spun and eventually, it landed on someone very unexpected. It landed on Tam.

Keefe jumped up and yelled, "I vote that they go in a room!" Biana did the same. They both looked pleadingly at Fitz, and soon, after some silence, everyone agreed. I knew that Keefe had something to do with this, but the question was why. Keefe was literally my boyfriend, why would he want me to go in a room with a different boy? And it was Tam of all people. I gave Keefe a quizzical look and went into the room used for rules one and five.

Tam followed and soon, we were bathed in darkness. I didn't mind though, the darkness was surprisingly comfy, like a bunch of pillows.

"Sooo..." Tam started. "What do we do now?" He wondered, and his voice warmed my insides. Wow, that probably sounded super weird.

Almost on que, Biana shouted, "You better start kissing! We won't let you out until we know for sure you do!" I cringed at Biana's voice. It was probably right at the door. I sighed.

"We should probably do it, otherwise we'll never get out of here," I suggested. Tam nodded and cupped my cheek. I noticed a slight blush, but the room was really stuffy. You couldn't even call it a room. My cheeks were probably just as red.

Tam leaned in and whispered something incomprehensible. "What was that?" I asked.

His eyes widened in horror, but quickly turned to relief. "Nothing, just thinking out loud," he replied, and kept leaning in.

Soon, our foreheads were touching and we were breathing the same air. Then our lips connected. Sparks flew everywhere and I melted into Tam's arms which were now wrapped around me. I quietly sighed in contentment, making sure that Tam didn't hear. Slowly, his hands creeped along my back and tangled into my hair. I probably should have been feeling guilty for loving the kiss, I have Keefe after all, but I couldn't help wanting more.

Then it hit me.

I was in love with Tam Song.



I probably should have felt guilty. I used my telekinesis to make the youth bottle land on me, but I have a feeling that someone else was doing it. I also loved the kiss. Sophie's lips were soft and smooth. And she smelled wonderful. ... And this is probably sounding really weird.

Just when I was about to pull away, I heard a sigh of contentment come from the blonde girl I was kissing, so I held on a little longer. I felt my hands move up Sophie's back and tangled in her soft hair. I don't know how long we kissed, but I know that it was way better than the kiss that Reyni and I shared. (Reyni did what Sophie did with Dex, just an FYI.)

This kiss, well, there were sparks everywhere. My lips still tingled even when we pulled away. I stepped aside to let Sophie out and she nodded thanks. However, before she could reach the nob, she fell through the floor.

"Sophie!" I shouted and quickly ran downstairs, ignoring the shouts of my worried friends. I sped past the top three floors and went down to the basement. I waited there for everyone. Soon, they all filed in and started questioning me. I shared what I knew and eventually, Fitz started tracking Sophie's thoughts.

"She's over there." He pointed to a blindingly bright corner and the group rushed over.

I checked the light with my shadows and found out that it wasn't a natural occurrence. Once I knew that, I blanketed the light with shadowvapor and found an unconscious form, bent and twisted like a rag doll.

Cautiously, Keefe picked her up bridal style and ran her to the leapmaster. "Foxfire!" He shouted and leaped through the light. Everyone besides Dex, Biana, and I stayed at the house.

When we got to the Healing Center, we saw Elwin flashing Sophie with a dozen lights. Finally, he found what he was looking for and explained, "Other than the fall, nothing seems to be the matter. However, it seems that Sophie Foster is manifesting again."

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