Chapter Two - Truth or Dare (Tam)

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I knew It would happen even before the girls were on the stairs. That's why I was standing closest to the stairway. Sophie made it almost to the bottom step, and I was starting to think that she wouldn't need me to catch her. I thought too soon. Just as I was starting to move away, Sophie tripped and landed in my arms. The momentum was too much and I ended up on the floor with Sophie on top of me. Everyone cracked up, including Keefe, who was the poor girl's boyfriend. I was sure that he would be even the slightest bit jealous. "I'm so sorry," Sophie apologized. "That's okay," I responded. "Should've seen that coming." Everyone laughed again, and Keefe took the opportunity. "Foster," he whined. "I thought you loved me! Now you're falling for Tammy?" "Maybe she just likes my hair better than yours!" I retorted, making Sophie blush. Does she like me? I wondered, then brushed the thought away. Sophie blushes at everything, and she has Keefe. She doesn't need me.

"Guys, let's play Truth or Dare!" Maruca squealed, and Wylie sighed. "No, please. Anything but Truth or Dare." Everyone except Fitz looked at him quizzically. "What's so bad about T or D?" Dex wondered, mirroring my thoughts. "Trust us. You don't want to do this," Fitz recommended. "Oh, yes you do!" Biana screeched. "T or D! T or D! T or D!" She got all the girls to chant with her and eventually, we were all sitting in a circle. "I'll go first," Keefe said with a sly smile. "Bangs Boy, T or D?" I thought for a moment. I definitely did not want everyone knowing that I had a crush on Sophie, but Keefe would probably give the worst dares. "Dare," I said, feeling triumphant. All my triumph quickly disappeared when Keefe told me his dare. I glared at him best I could and lifted my leaping crystal. "You'll pay for this," I threatened and stepped into the light.

Mysterium was as bland as ever, save for the colorful building in the center of town. I headed toward Slurps n' Burps slowly, wanting to delay my torture as long as I could. All too soon, the door opened and a large belch rang out. "Hello Tam, what can I do for you today?" Kesler cheerily questioned. "If you're looking for Dex, he's over at a sleepover at Everglen." "Thanks, Mr. Dizznee, but I just came from there. I was wondering if you had an elixir for ice blue eyes and blonde hair coloring?" I requested. Kesler chuckled. "Were you playing Truth or Dare?" I nodded. "Well then. I could probably help you out a little bit." He went over to the prank shelf and picked out two bottles. "This one will wear off in five minutes, and this one will wear off in ten. That's the best I can do." "Thanks," I told him, gratitude filling my eyes. "I owe you one." He waved it away. "Nonsense, I know what horrible dares Keefe can give. Just make sure you get him back for me, alright?" "Don't worry, I have some awesome idea's. Thanks!" With that, I held up my crystal and leaped back to Everglen.

I came back to chaos, to say the least. Sophie had on this giant ball gown that didn't even look good, Biana had mallowmelt all over her face, and Marella was sopping wet. The only thing that seemed normal was Grady chasing Keefe with a spiked club (A/N: I don't think they have baseball bats ...). Oh, and there's Sandor. I went over to Sophie to see what was going on. "What happened to Sencen?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear. Sophie giggled. "He had to tell Grady that I was pregnant. But don't worry, I hailed Dad beforehand to explain. He and Sandor are just playing the part." I busted out laughing. "Does ... Keefe ... know that?" I asked after a minute. The girls grinned. "Nope!" Reyni giggled. I felt my heart flutter a little, but squashed the feeling down. She had made it pretty clear that she had no feelings for me.

Keefe came running a over with an angry looking goblin and overprotective dad. "Foster, please tell your fantastic dad that it was just a dare! He won't listen to me!" He yelled at he scrambled behind Sophie's big dress. "Oh, he knows," she responded nonchalantly. Keefe glared a little, but stopped when he noticed Sandor glaring at him. "Cool it, Gigantor," Keefe quivered. "It was just a dare." "If I get another call, saying that Miss Foster has been played with, I will make sure that you are locked up in the ogre's prison and never come out again!" He threatened in his squeaky voice. With that, both Sophie's dad and bodyguard left, making everything seem a little bit more peaceful.

Of course, Sencen had to ruin it by reminding me of my dare. "Go on, Bangs Boy, drink the elixirs." He taunted. "Dude, you will pay," I threatened and gagged down the disgusting drink. Within seconds, my scalp started tingling. When it stopped, my head felt unusually cold, but fortunately, it returned to normal. I pulled down my bangs to take a look at my hair. All I have to say is, silver and blonde do not go well together. "Awww, Tammy, you look almost exactly like me," Keefe teased. "Oh wait, there is one difference." "Do you have something to say, Sencen?" I snarled. "Yep! You look ugly! Definitely not at all like me!" I just rolled my eyes and sat back down. Everyone copied me and soon, we were playing again.

I dared Marella to kiss her crush. It was Fitz. Then Biana got mad because apparently, they had been secretly dating for a while. Marella asked Biana who her crush is, and it was Keefe. Huh. I thought she liked me. Anyway, Keefe dared Maruca to kiss everyone that she's had a crush on that was in the group. It ended up being Jensi, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, and Me. Basically everyone who wasn't related to her. Super weird. Maruca dared Sophie to stay on Keefe's back till the end of the day, and I really wished Grady was there to see that one.

Then Sophie asked Stina why she was always rude to everyone. She didn't frase it exactly like that, and I could sense her sincerity. I could tell Stina did as well. Surprisingly, she started crying and asked to speak with Sophie alone. We all obliged and went out of the room, for getting all about Maruca's dare.

A/N: 1109 words! Woo woooo. Yeah, I'm on a roll! I just wanted to let you guys know that I was just about ready to quit this book, but a few things kept me going: I finally found my phone, so now I don't have to type on my tablet, spring break is here so I can write a chapter a day (I will not post anything until it's due!), and something else that you will figure out at the end of the book!
Love you, sweets! I'm praying for you!
-Faithful ❤️

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