Chapter Three - The Apology (Stina)

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A/N: Alisha is my character.

Sophie's question caught me off guard. I had been trying my hardest to be better and not to feel guilty, but whenever I remembered her kidnapping and all the horrible stuff that I did to Sophie, I feel really guilty. I know I can't let my mind break, but I can't bring myself to be kinder. It would feel really weird, and people would question me. Maybe even start bullying me again. I guess I did deserve it, I've been nothing but a brat since I told Alisha off.

I was vaguely aware of everyone leaving the room. I managed to calm myself before speaking. "Sophie, I'm so sorry. I know what I did was wrong, and I really am s-sorry," I cried. "How can I make it up to you?" I really hoped I sounded as sincere as I was, I knew Sophie wouldn't forgive me, no one would, but I really was sorry. Sophie sat there being scarily quiet. "Stina, I know we haven't been the best of friends, and that is partly my fault, and I'm sorry for that. I won't try and make you understand or forgive me, but I want to understand why you're so mean to everyone else," Sophie insisted. I was so shocked! She was apologizing to me? "Sophie I forgive you, but I'm not sure you will. You don't need to apologize for anything. I've been such a brat." I said. Sophie's eyes softened, and she seemed to be telling me that it was okay. "I forgive you Stina," she said. I cried even harder and could feel my makeup flowing down my face.

We sat like that for a while, until I decided to share my story. "In my first year at Foxfire, there was a girl in her third year. Her name was Alisha. She would always pretend to be my friend, and be really nice and sweet to me one day, and then the next she would be bullying me, saying I was too tall and my head was too big. She once called me a lollipop, and that wasn't the worst of it. Around midterms celebration, I got so fed up with Alisha that I just shouted a bunch of rude, untrue things about her. Everyone got mad at her and all her friends dumped her for me. I didn't want anyone thinking that they could push me around again, so I became the horrid brat that you see before you. I started to think that I was invincible until you came. As soon as you laughed at me, I could tell that if anyone could tear me down, it would be you. Fortunately for me, you were the type that has low self confidence, so I used that against you. And I really am sorry, I want to change, but I don't want to be pushed around either." With that, I finished. My raw inside showing on the outside.

"Stina, I'm sorry I called you a lollipop," Sophie apologized. "That's okay, I did way worse to you. Do you think the others will understand?" I worriedly asked. "Maybe not Dex," she replied. "Fitz might, or he should, he was pretty awful at times, I'm not sure how Tam or Wylie would react, Biana would be hard to convince, I'm pretty sure Reyni would forgive you. The other girls are already your friends, so I don't think they would need a lot of convincing. But you will definitely need to know that Dex will not be quick to forgive you," she stated. "Yeah, I know I'm going to have to work on Dex. He shouldn't forgive me. None of you should," I said.

"Maybe we could fix your makeup before you go out," Sophie suggested. I gave her a skeptical look. "Don't worry, I love doing makeup, just not my own. I used to practice on Amy all the time," she reassured. "Okay," I relented, still with doubts. I took out my bag and gave the contents to Sophie. Within minutes, I had the perfect eyeshadow and lipstick. It was amazing! "Wow, Sophie! I didn't know you even knew what mascara is, let alone how to make it look perfect," I complimented, watching Sophie blush. "Thanks," she mumbled. "And you should keep being nice, it suits you." It was my turn to blush. "I'm a little nervous about the others," I worried. "Don't worry, just make your apology sound sincere and make sure to do better," Sophie advised. "Okay," I respond.

When we walk out of the room, I heard Dex mumble something about phony tears. "She hasn't even messed up her makeup." I wanted to snap back with something smart, but saw Sophie's warning look, and just ignored him. "For your Information Dex, Stina did need her makeup to be redone, and I did it," she snapped. I gave her a grateful smile, and tried to suppress my smirk at everyone's astonished faces. "Now, if you don't mind, this poor girl has something to say," Sophie told them, nodding at me to go ahead. I started, feeling really shy and not wanting anyone to see the girl I hid behind my rudeness.

At the end of my apology and story, Linh, Maruca, and Marella all came up and gave me a hug. "I had no idea that you were going through that," Marella apologized. "We forgive you," Linh told me, and Maruca nodded along. Keefe forgave me too, saying that he could feel my sincerity. "I know what I feels like to be abused like that, as well as feeling the need to hide behind a mask," he told me. That just left Tam, Biana, Fitz, Wylie, Reyni, and Dex. "As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Keefe," Tam said, and forgave me as well. Wylie and Reyni both forgave me, mad at what I did, but too old to ever experience my evil. I gave up trying to get Biana and Fitz to forgive me, but I think Sophie transmitted something to them, because they both said that they had been horrible to her too.

That just left Dex. I knew that he would never forgive me, and I knew that it was a lost cause. However, he surprised me by saying, "Can I talk to Stina alone?" He ordered. Everyone went back into the room, except Sophie, who was probably worried someone would get hurt. I tapped my finger to my temple, giving her permission to enter my mind.
Don't worry, I know how to handle Dex. I reassured her.
Then why am I worried? Sophie wondered sarcastically.
Don't be. I can handle it.

When Sophie left, I stared at Dex worriedly. "Before you start, I want to remind you that I know you, Sti. I can read you just as easily as Keefe can Sophie," he told me, using the old nickname Dex used for me before I became awful toward him. I sighed. "I know, Dex. I just wish we could go back to before Foxfire, and stay there forever." I could see a tear run down my former best friend's face and wondered if he was remembering the days when I was shorter than him, and as sweet as mallowmelt.

A/N: Aaaaahhhh! I loved writing this chapter. I feel so bad for Stina. I can't wait to write the next chapter!
Anyways, I got 1213 words, and I finished this in about two hours. The part about the forgiveness maybe took the longest and was really weird to write, but it shouldn't. We should forgive everyone, just like Jesus forgave us and died on the cross, even though we did way worse than Stina. Maybe y'all could give it a try, it can make you feel good. And now I'm rambling and I'll post the rest of my rant on a different book that I'm creating. If you check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Love you, sweets! Doei!
-Faithful ❤️

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