Chapter Fifteen

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A few hours after searching for people who make custom bullets, they unfortunately found nothing so far.

Tara: So nobody.

Sam: Somebody, we just have to find out who.

Tara: Okay so how do we do that?

Sam: Y/N seems to know a lot about bullets.

Tara: Y/N wouldn't do that.

Sam: We questioned everyone who has been known for guns.

Tara: Y/N wouldn't hurt us.

Sam: Okay then how do they know so much about guns Tara.

Tara: I don't know, maybe their father knows a lot about them.

Sam: Then we go to their fathers house and we questions him.

Tara: Okay, let's get going then.

They find Y/N's dad and they all go out to eat. They also find out that the dads name is Doug.

Doug: So how may I help you ladies?

Sam: Tell is everything about Y/N.

Doug: Oh so you're the girlfriend that I've heard so much about, they said you were short but you're obviously tall.

Tara: Actually that is me, I'm the girlfriend.

Doug: Ah okay, so what's been going on with Y/N?

Tara: They're in the hospital

Doug: What for? Are they okay?

Tara: They're recovering.

Sam: Let's talk about Y/N.

Doug: Okay?

Sam: Has Y/N ever showed any interest in being violent towards others?

Doug: No, Y/N is a really sweet person. They help people who are in need of anything.

Sam: Does Y/N know a lot about guns?

Doug: Yeah, Y/N has brothers who wanted to be police officers so Y/N was able to know a lot about them. Why?

Sam: Have you seen Y/N ever make projects of their own?

Doug: Like what?

Sam: Bullets.

Sam takes out the bullet in her pocket and shows Doug. Doug looks at it closely and shakes his head.

Doug: Y/N knows better to not custom made bullets.

Sam: So Y/N has done this before?

Doug: Y/N tries to but they never work out in their favor. But Y/N would never harm anyone.

Sam: Do you know Anika?

Doug: Yeah Anika died sometime last year, I got a call about it.

Sam: But you didn't get a call about Y/N being in the hospital.

Doug: Y/N and I had a falling out, we argued and they left and told me that they'd never contact me again.

Sam: What was it about?

Doug: It was about Tara.

Sam and Tara looked at each other. Then they looked back at Doug.

Doug: What?

Sam: She is Tara, now what made it come up?

Doug: Y/N had said about them wanting to marry Tara and at the time I thought you guys were to young to talk about that nonsense.

Sam: What age do you think they are?

Doug: 17 and 18, that's why I said what I said. I'm pretty sure they thought I was being unsupported between you two but I support the gays and all of that.

Sam: Okay, anything else?

Doug: Y/N wouldn't harm you guys, they would harm the people who are trying to kill you.

They eat food and then went on their way. They went back to the hospital and went into Kirby's room. Kirby was breathing and had just woken up.

Sam: Hey Kirby.

Kirby: Hey, so what have you guys found?

Sam: Y/N is really big into guns.

Kirby: Okay?

Sam: Here.

Sam tossed the bullet at Kirby and Kirby looks at it.

Kirby: Oh well this is unique. But Y/N isn't as crafty as you guys think.

Sam: How crafty is Y/N?

Kirby: Well Y/N can't really make bullets.

Sam: How do you know?

Kirby: I used to take them in whenever something bad happened.

Tara: Wait does Y/N have a mom?

Kirby: Their mom died a few years ago.

Tara: So you were basically their mom.

Kirby: What?

Tara: Before this whole thing happened they kept saying how they were going shopping with their mom.

Kirby: When was the last time they told you this?

Tara: At least 4 days ago or so, before the whole ghostface thing returned.

Kirby made a confused face and Sam looks over at Tara.

Kirby: I wasn't with Y/N.

Tara: What do you mean?

Kirby: I was on my way to come here because I saw it on the news when I was just leaving town.

Tara: Did you pick them up?

Kirby: No, I never saw them Tara.

Sam, Tara and Kirby ran and limped over to Y/N's room. They saw no one was in there. They ran to Chad's room and saw Mindy with Chad.

Sam: Where is Y/N?

Mindy: They said they needed some air so they went out to get it.

Sam: Y/N left the hospital.

Mindy: What makes you think that?

Sam: Y/N has been behind this all along.

Mindy: What about the person at the hotel?

Sam: Y/N has another person.

Chad: Me and Y/N got attacked that same night.

Sam: So Y/N is a ghostface and then there is two more.

Tara: I can't believe this.

Mindy: She got us good.

A phone dinged and everyone looked at Kirby.

Kirby: Wasn't me.

Everyone turned their looks to Sam.

Sam: Wasn't me.

Everyone looked at Mindy and Chad. They both said "wasn't me" in a unison. Everyone then looked at Tara.

Tara: It was me.

Tara pulled her phone out and sees Y/N messaged her.

Y/N's message: Meet me at *address* I will explain everything but only you Tara or everyone else dies.

Tara: I have to go.

Sam: Okay so let's quickly call each other and just keep your phone in your pocket. Then we'll be there immediately if anything happens to you.

Tara: Then let's just all go but you guys stay away like a block or something.

Sam: Okay let's go.

Everyone agrees, even though Kirby and Chad shouldn't be up. They should rest but it seems like they don't care. Seems like tonight is where everything ends, especially Y/N and Tara's relationship.

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