Chapter One

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Sam and Tara have moved once again, it's a brand new area. Obviously Chad, Mindy and Danny are with them. Tara has been bringing a new person around and the rest of them have no idea how they feel about that person being around.

Sam: Tara!

Tara comes out of her room and Y/N follows after her. Chad doesn't like that Y/N has been coming around a bit more since the killings have started up again.

Tara: Everything okay?

Sam: Your friend is staying on the couch with Chad tonight.

Tara: Why can't they go home tonight?

Mindy: Ghostface is back Tara.

Chad: The only way we'll be able to trust them is if they stay here with us tonight.

Y/N: You guys think of me as the killer when there is already someone coming after you guys and has been for awhile?

Mindy: Better safe then never.

Tara: I think Y/N should stay with me, I'll keep a close eye on them.

Chad: No way.

Danny: I agree with Tara. Y/N should stay with Tara tonight, plus it's okay to be jealous Chad.

Chad: Bullshit.

Sam: Y/N is staying with Tara then but don't disappoint me Y/N. I'll kill you myself.

Mindy: She has killed a whole family once.

Y/N: I know, the internet couldn't live it down.

Sam goes into the kitchen and Danny follows her. Mindy stands up and goes to her room. Chad gives Y/N an evil look, Tara sits down next to Chad. Y/N walks into Mindy's room and Mindy hugs them.

Y/N: Chad is really overprotective over Tara.

Mindy: Tell him that you and Tara are dating, it'll knock him off his feet for awhile.

Y/N: I'd be on the "don't trust the love interest" list of I did that.

Mindy: You basically don't have the guts to kill a damn fly, let alone a person. Plus everytime those killings happened, you were here with Tara. Doing the you know what.

Y/N: We didn't do any of that, when I'm around the doors have to be opened so Sam can hear everyone scream for help if I stab anyone.

Mindy: They have a right to be like that you know that right?

Y/N: Yeah, I've heard the stories about Ethan and Richie or whatever that kids name was. That family was fucked up for taking advantage of a Loomis.

Mindy: Carpenter now.

Y/N: Potato Patotoe

Mindy: She doesn't like being remembered as a Loomis.

Y/N: I think it's pretty kick ass to be named after a killer.

Mindy: Right because you're literally Stu's child.

Y/N: Stu Macher's kid reporting for duty.

Mindy: Don't ever say that or they'll actually kill you.

Y/N: Tara wouldn't let them do that.

Mindy: Are you actually related to him?

Y/N: I'm not his kid but I'm his long lost twin.

Mindy: Shut up and tell the truth.

Y/N: No I'm not actually related to him Mindy.

Mindy: Good.

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