Chapter Nine

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It has officially been a few days later, Y/N has fully woken up. The doctor tells them that they can all go and meet her but to be careful because of the wounds. The police officer only let one go in at a time, for safety reasons. Everyone was extremely happy that Y/N was now awake and they can tell the hilarious story that happened at the restaurant, hoping it would lift Y/N's spirits up.

Y/N: What a great story guys.

Chad: You shouldve seen the look on his face, it was hilarious.

Y/N: I could've if I wasn't you know stuck in an hospital to save my life right now.

Everyone went quiet and then looked over at Tara. Tara signaled everyone to leave the room so she can talk to Y/N alone.

Tara: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Like I just got stabbed within 48 hours.

Tara: More like 24 but who's counting.

Y/N smiled at Tara and Tara sat down next to Y/N.

Tara: Why can't you be like this with everyone else?

Y/N: Like what?

Tara: You always end up feeling like you have to be some sort of badass.

Y/N: It's been a defense mechanism, and everyone knows I'm in pain anyway so it's better to not dwell on it.

Tara: Okay, when this whole thing is over me and Sam will officially be leaving this town.

Y/N: What? Why?

Tara: To keep you out of trouble, plus you won't have crazy masked killers trying to kill you once a year.

Y/N: I'm not letting you leave.

Tara: This has to happen.

Y/N: No it doesn't, you can stay and just keep fighting.

Tara: Fighting is starting to get boring Y/N, we'll all end up dead if we keep up with fighting. Soon we'll be like Sidney and Gale.

Y/N: No one knows where Sidney is and Gale is the one who is dead.

Tara: Dewey is dead and he died trying to protect all of us.

Y/N: This isn't about the originals, it's about you and Sam now.

Tara: What makes you think that we'll be able to survive this, that this relationship will survive this?

Y/N: You're trying to build up some crazy ass wall like you did with Sam back in New York.

Tara: No i'm not and that's insane that you would even think that.

Y/N: I may not be the smartest person in the world Tara but I can sense when someone's pulling back. They think they're doing the right thing but then they end up dead and regretting their decision. Imagine how Anika felt when you and Chad ran for your guys lives and her and Mindy stayed back.

Tara: That was their fault.

Y/N: But they stayed to protect each other, she should've ran the second she met you guys. But she didn't and she pushed past me to get to you guys. I don't blame you guys for her death, I blame her for her stupid actions. She should've been home with her family.

Tara: I'm sorry.

Y/N: Don't be, you can't save someone who's already dead.

Y/N looked away from Tara and Tara stood up and went to hold Y/N's but Y/N took her hand away from Tara.

Tara: Anika was trying to live, you know that right?

Y/N: Just go, that's what you and all your buddies want.

Tara: You can't seriously be pushing me away?

Y/N: You want to talk about pushing people away? You pushed Sam away, and now you're trying to push me away but the second I start pushing away you get upset?

Tara: I wasn't pushing away.

Y/N: Running away from the problem and pushing the problem to the side is basically the same thing, one just involves more movement.

Tara: You obviously need space.

Y/N: You obviously don't get it.

Tara: What don't I get?

Y/N: You keep running from these masked killers that are called Ghostface that has been around for years will eventually find you. They won't do some petty kill to make sure you know they're there, they will just get you when you're not looking so be glad and be thankful that these motherfuckers aren't super smart.

Tara: What are you talking about?

Y/N: Next time when there is a Ghostface problem, they won't just go around playing games and creating movies, they'll come after you and kill you. So don't turn your back on anyone, because next thing you know you'll be just like everyone else in the beginning of the movie and you won't be that final girl.

Tara walks out of the room and Sam walks in the room. Sam sits down on a chair that's by the hospital bed. Y/N looks over at Sam and Sam shakes her head.

Y/N: Pep talk by the big sister?

Sam: You're scaring Tara.

Y/N: Just making sure she's getting her reality check.

Sam: Are you okay?

Y/N: No I'm going through some deep Deja Vu right now.

Sam: Why would you say such horrible shit to my sister?

Y/N: She deserved it.

Sam: Nobody deserves that.

Y/N: Are you guys leaving after this whole thing?

Sam: I don't know, maybe.

Y/N: Then that's why she deserved it.

Sam: You're sick in the head.

Y/N: You still seeing delusions of your father?

Sam went speechless. She opened her mouth to try to get something out but nothing would come out.

Y/N: So who's really sick in the head?

Sam: We'll come back when you're more of a sane person to talk to.

Y/N: Have fun, enjoy your time with avoiding Ghostface. I'll just happily let them kill me since they've tried so many times before.

Sam stood up and held Y/N down and put her hand on Y/N's neck, basically choking her out.

Sam: No one said you had to come into our lives. You could've kept your ass at home and maybe we wouldn't have lost Mindy. You are a piece of shit for doing whatever the fuck you're doing. Don't ever fucking call us and I hope you die in this fucking bed and regret all the things you said to Tara. She doesn't deserve that and you know that. She's a great person, she just has her issues. So grow up Y/N because now you're stuck in this franchise and you won't be making it out. You'll have a target on your back. We're leaving you behind, see ya in hell Y/N because that's where we'll all be going.

Sam walks out of the room, Y/N grabs for their throat and starts breathing in a bunch of air.

Sam and Tara and everyone else except for Y/N left the hospital. Sam couldn't stand how horribly Y/N treated Tara. That is not something Y/N would ever behave like, not when her whole plan was to protect them from all the other Ghostfaces.

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