Chapter Eight

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Tara, Sam, Danny and Chad are waiting out in the waiting room. Tara lays her head on Sam and Sam holds her sitting close to her. They've all lost Mindy and could be losing Y/N as well.

It's been a few hours, Chad is pacing around the room and Danny is sitting in a room. Tara and Sam are by the desk lady and asks about Y/N every now and then.

A few more hours later, a doctor comes over to everyone. The doctor clears his throat and looks at everyone.

Doctor: So as we can tell, Y/N has a lot of wounds. A lot more than the human body can handle, with the amount of blood they have lost and then gained, the body will sometimes take a huge up and down cycle. So the best thing to do right now is to leave Y/N to rest up. We will keep the room guarded at all times, nobody will get to them. Right now you guys should go home and we'll contact you when Y/N is awake.

Sam: Thank you.

Doctor: No problem, Y/N will make a quick recovery.

Tara: Thank you so much.

The doctor smiled at all of them, everyone looks at each other and decides to come up with another plan.

Sam: Let's go for lunch, I'm not following these damn doctor rules.

Danny: We have to.

Sam: We're in a crisis Danny, last time we left someone in police care, they left Tara alone and Ghostface could've killed her. We're taking this into our own hands, once and for all.

Everyone walks out of the hospital and goes to a nearby restaurant. They got a good view of the hospital, Sam kept her eyes on it at all times.

Chad: So what are we looking for?

Sam: Any robotic/cloned ass Ghostfaces.

Chad: Why?

Sam: Because I haven't been able to trust any hospital since Tara was in one with that whole other Ghostface problem so I'm keeping an eye out.

Danny: I'm sure Y/N will be fine.

Tara: I trust Sam, we have to keep and eye out. If we see anything suspicious, we go towards it.

Chad: Normally we'd want to stay away from it.

Tara: My significant other is in there with people who don't care of them.

Chad: Yeah well my sister died in there Tara.

Danny: Everyone calm down, we've lost Mindy and we could've lost Y/N. It's a sad thing but we have to get through this. We can mourn later but right now we need to help Sam keep an eye out for any Ghostfaces.

Sam: Thank you for the help Danny.

Danny: No problem.

Sam smiles at Danny and Danny smiles back. Chad gives Tara the death glare and Tara flips Chad off. Chad scoffs and the waiter comes around.

Waiter: What can I get you guys for your drinks?

Sam: Water.

Chad: Sweet Tea.

Danny: Dr. Pepper.

Tara: Water.

Waiter: I'll be right back with your drinks.

Waiter smiles at Tara and walks away. The waiter comes back with the drinks and gives everyone a straw. Tara got a straw with the waiters phone number on it.

Waiter: Oh sorry, I didn't mean to give that to you. It was just so I could remember my number but you can always give it a call and I'm sure that would help me remember your number.

The waiter winks and walks away. Tara looks at Sam and everyone laughs at how cringe that was.

Chad: I really hope he doesn't use that on everyone.

Danny: It was smooth if he would only have worded it differently.

Tara: Here you go Chad, get yourself a love interest.

Chad: Awe, how'd you know?

Tara: I saw the way you were looking at him.

Everyone laughs and the waiter comes back. Everyone calms down and looks at him.

Waiter: So what will you guys be ordering today?

Chad: A steak with a side of mash potatoes.

Sam: Chicken tenders with fries please.

Danny: Get me some wings with barbecue sauce.

Waiter: And what can I get you today?

Tara: How about you get me a date with my beautiful/handsome significant other that's in that hospital over there?

The waiter's eyes go wide and everyone cracks up. Tara finally orders her meal and the waiter rushes off to put the order in. Everyone laughs even more and starts mocking the waiter for his failed attempt at flirting.

Chad: He really thought he would've had a chance with Tara.

Danny: Didn't you also think you had a shot with Tara?

Chad: I backed off when I found out she was secretly dating Y/N.

Tara: You think he'll come back and try to flirt with Sam?

Chad: If he does then I'm laughing my ass off.

Danny: Poor dude was just trying to date you Tara.

Tara: I'm pretty happy with my choice that's currently in the hospital.

Chad: Y/N is very lucky to have you.

A few minutes go by and the waiter comes back with the food. He gives out extra numbers and gives Sam and napkin with his snapchat and number. Chad immediately laughs and the waiter looks at him in complete confusion.

Sam: I think you would want to give this to my boyfriend.

Waiter: He's not here.

Sam points at Danny and Danny waves. The waiters eyes go wide once more and his face turn's completely red. He tells them to enjoy their meal and runs off.

Chad: Oh my god, what a complete dumbass.

Sam: Should he get a tip?

Danny: Might as well, seems like he's trying pretty hard to get with everyone's significant others.

Everyone laughs at that and then they all eat their meals. They enjoyed every last bite, pay the bill, the waiter apologizes to both Tara and Sam and then they walk back into the hospital. Nothing had gone wrong that entire time they were in the restaurant so that's a good sign.

Hello Tara (TaraXReader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora