Chapter Seventeen

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Y/N looks over at the dead body and sees that it is their dad's dead body. Y/N looks over at Sam and laughs.

Y/N: Looks like I'm an orphan.

Sam: Probably a dead Orphan soon.

Y/N: You don't like me anymore, I understand that.

Sam: You made Tara kill those people.

Y/N: Those people are your friends, you guys will get over it.

Sam: You are so sick.

Y/N: Then kill me.

Tara: Wait.

Y/N: What?

Sam: We aren't waiting, Y/N killed our friends Tara.

Tara: I killed them, I gave the order and Y/N just told them to finish it off.

Y/N: Stop feeling guilty about it.

Tara: What if you just go to jail or something and then we can restart. We can all be happy.

Y/N: Now you're the sick one.

Sam: I'm killing Y/N now, I can't keep doing this. This franchise is over.

Tara: Y/N has protected us.

Sam: To make us believe that Y/N is one of us.

Y/N: Shoot me Sam.

Sam points the gun at Y/N and Tara takes the gun away.

Tara: No more killing. Mindy call the police.

Mindy: On it.

Mindy calls the police, Tara throws the gun away and looks at Y/N.

Tara: I'm not letting you go.

Y/N: I want you to let me go.

Tara: I can't.

Y/N: I love you Tara.

Tara: I love you too.

Y/N slowly puts their knife up against their throat and Tara shakes her head with a little bit of tears in her eyes.

Y/N: Thank you guys for allowing me into your friend group and I guess I'm sorry for destroying you guys.

Y/N slits their throat and Tara quickly runs up to Y/N and puts pressure on the cut. The police and ambulance gets there and wheels Mindy and Y/N away. Then wheel the dead bodies away. Sam gets into an ambulance with Mindy and Tara is with Y/N.

~Three Years Later~

Mindy's ear has healed from the bullet that got her ear. Mindy is in a healthy relationship and is very happy.

Sam is currently in therapy, she's trying to get past the fact that Tara saved Y/N. Sam is also very happy on her own, she feels at peace with everything.

Tara doesn't regret her decision on saving Y/N. Tara is also in therapy. Tara and Sam also live together and Tara is finishing her college education.

Y/N has decided to keep a good distance away from Sam and Tara. Y/N has also decided to go to military school and what not. It could help them with their twisted mind. Y/N could try again to be another killer, if only they weren't so attached to Tara.

Mindy, Sam and Tara all still hang out, only time they don't hang out with each other is when Y/N is around. Sam and Mindy have made up a plan to kill Y/N while Y/N and Tara are asleep unless Y/N can show that they've changed into a better person.


Author's Story: So this is the end, what a weird ending. If you guys want, I can continue this story line or I can make up another story about any character you guys choose. I hope you guys have enjoyed this insane story. If not then I'm sorry it didn't peak your interest but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll probably answer any question that you guys want to ask whenever I can. I'll talk to you guys later, bye and thanks for the support of this story.

Hello Tara (TaraXReader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें