Chapter Fourteen

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Sam sees Tara's expression turn into confusion from looking at her phone. Sam walks over and sees that Y/N has sent a weird message.

Sam: Hey Kirby, can you trace where this text is coming from?

Kirby: Yeah give me the phone.

Kirby pulls out her computer and takes the phone. She does all the FBI tracking stuff and the text message seems to be coming from outside of their hotel room.

Kirby: Do not open that door.

Danny: Why?

Kirby: We're in deep trouble if anyone opens it.

A knock was sounding from the door, Danny backed away from it and stood in front of Sam. Tara stood behind Sidney and Kirby. Mindy was behind all of them.

?: Housekeeing.

Kirby: Housekeeping shouldn't be out and about this late at night.

Mindy: Does it know anyone's voice?

Sidney: Let Danny talk first.

Danny: Someone is in here, come again tomorrow.

??: Let me in or it's Y/N next.

Danny: Who's that?

??: Do I seriously have the wrong room?

Danny: Yeah, but I'm sure the next few rooms over you'd be looking for whoever you're looking for.

??: Damn, sorry for the inconvenience man.

Danny: No problem.

Whoever it was has walked away and everyone breathes again. Then starts bullets firing into the door, Danny and Kirby get hit immediately. Sidney ducks down and so does Tara and Mindy. Sam moves over towards the beds.

Danny quickly moves over to one of the beds, Sam helps Danny picks the bed up and puts it up against the door. The bed is now catching all the bullets that the person is continuously firing through the door.

Danny: Ah fuck, it hurts.

Sidney: Keep putting pressure on the wounds Sam.

Sam: I'm trying.

Tara: I'll call 911.

Tara calls 911 and is told that the ambulance and police officers are on their way. Mindy quickly went to the bathroom and throws up some food that she ate earlier.

Danny and Kirby get taken to the hospital, Sam walks into the bathroom and gives Mindy some water. Tara has no idea on how she can contact Y/N.

Tara: So what do we do now?

Sidney: We get another room, get some rest and then adventure to the hospital.

Tara: Okay, have you gotten hit or anything?

Sidney: No, I'm all good.

Tara: Good, so let's go check on Mindy though.

They check up on Mindy, Mindy says she's doing fine. After giving Mindy some water and a nice shower, they get another room. They had to pay for the damages of the other room. Sidney and Mindy fell asleep. Sam and Tara were still awake.

Sam: I don't even know how they can sleep.

Tara: Me too, I wonder how Chad and Y/N are doing.

Right after that, Tara was getting a phone call. She picked it up and it was the hospital. They were telling news about Danny dying, he had lost a lot of blood. Tara dropped the phone and looked at Sam.

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