Chapter Four

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They all started moving out of the hospital, Chad was in pain and Danny was moving along. Everything seemed to be doing fine for everyone, until Tara and Y/N got split up from the group.

Y/N: You better have your phone on you babe because this is giving me some spooky vibes.

Tara: Well we did just stop in front of an alleyway because you thought you saw someone hanging out down there.

Y/N: I wanted to keep my eyes open in case we were going to get snuck up on.

Tara: You're so overprotective, reminds me of Chad.

Y/N: Seems like I'm doing something right since I've actually had sex with you and he hasn't so I'll take that as a compliment.

Tara: Oh honey, I never said he didn't have sex with me.

Tara winks at Y/N and walks away from them. Y/N quickly followed after Tara and felt a wave of jealousy come onto them.

Y/N: Please tell me you didn't have sex with him.

Tara: I didn't, trust me. I never would've done it with him.

Y/N: Okay, good.

Things start to get awkward, they're just walking in silence. They didn't know what else to say to each other, they've been dating for 3 months. Found each other at a party and Y/N has made it their mission to protect her throughout everything.

Tara and Y/N: So

Y/N: Oh you go first.

Tara: No you can.

Y/N: I want you to go first.

Tara: Do you think we should call the group?

Y/N: I think we should, but let's get somewhere with a lot of other people instead of just 4-5 people waking past us.

Tara: I agree, I actually know where we should go.

Y/N: Where to?

Tara: Follow me.

Tara and Y/N walk into a little corner store, it has at least 10-13 people in it. Tara pulls out her phone and calls Sam. Sam picks up immediately, right when everything goes to hell.

~Couple Minutes Later~

Tara and Y/N are hiding behind the counter of the little corner store. The Ghostface is walking around with a knife in his hands while there are injuries people screaming.

Y/N: Here.

Y/N gave Tara an inhaler, Tara thanked her quietly. Y/N looks around to see if there is something that they could use for protection. They sees a button and presses it immediately and the store alarm starts going off. Y/N grabs a pistol and looks around the corner and feels a sharp pain in their abdomen, and Ghostface pushes them up against a pack of cigarettes.

Ghostface: You chose the wrong team Y/N, you could've lived if you sided with me.

Y/N: I would never pair with you, you destroyed my family. I'm not allowing you to destroy Tara's.

Y/N lifted up the pistol that they haven't let go of and raised it up to Ghostfaces head and pulls the trigger. Y/N falls to the ground and one Ghostface is officially out of the way. Tara runs up to Y/N, takes out the knife and puts pressure on Y/N's abdomen. The police and ambulance finally showed up and took Y/N and Tara to the hospital. Tara quickly texts Sam that they are back at the hospital.

~A Few Hours Later~

Y/N has finally woke up and Tara is holding their hand.

Y/N: Hey.

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