chapter 8 a spark

Start from the beginning

Jason:very funny, I'm dying of laughter right now

Marinette:hey it calmed you down didn't it? Now...let's actually talk without all the nervousness ok?

Jason:ok...the. You start since I'm a ball of nervousness over here

Marinette:welcome to my life. Anyways I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I'm a business woman

Jason;what kind of business?

Marinette;fashion designer i have a small shop at the heart of this city close to the Eiffel tower

Jason:ever do a dress for someone famous

Marinette:well since your the father of my kid i guess i can tell you. I'm the personal fashion designer of jagged stone

Jason:.  .  .and you let him wear those glasses why?

*Marinette groaned in shame those stupid glasses were her worst and most dangerous enemy and she's not even joking*

Marinette:my only excuse is that i made those when i was like 14, uncle stone just refuses to let me make a change. No no if those glasses break he wants en exact copy

Jason:wait, did you just say uncle?

Marinette:yeah he kinda unofficially adopted me. Even let me stay at his home for a while when things with my parents got... complicated

Jason: complicated how?

Marinette:in a way that made me stop talking to them for a whole year. We're better now don't get me wrong they saw the error of there ways went to therapy and All that, but yeah jagged is one of my regular customers. Your turn

Jason:alright but there's not a lot to tell really I'm just head of security for Wayne industries

Marinette:sounds like a hard job, must've taken you a very long time to train to be the head

Jason:you have no idea how right you are. And you would think my father would at least give me a congratulations or a good job, but no. He's disappointed with me choosing to protect people with a gun

Marinette:well that's stupid, is he disappointed in police? They use guns, how about the military they use gun, or how about hunting does he hunt with a bow and arrow?

*That right there? That was the first time Jason actually felt something for Marinette, something real and genuine*

Jason:Jesus how long has it been since someone agreed with me...

*Jason muttered softly to himself, he felt Marinette's hands on top of his, he looked and she was giving him a soft smile*

Marinette:a long time with how your reacting. But now you do, i agree with you protecting people even if it means some people have to die

Jason:i want to hug you...


Marinette:nice try

Jason: Don't At Me Now (damn)


Jason;i want to kiss you right now

*Marinette blushed deeply and so did Jason when his mind caught up to him both looked down at there food and ate in silence*

Marinette:it....might not be a bad idea to see if there's anything there like a spark or something for the kids

*Jason coughed and nodded agreeing with Marinette, he got closer and they both shared a kiss*


*Jason and Marinette shared a kiss one of many in there 5 years together. Jason let go of the kiss with a smile*

Jason:still feel the spark Mon amour?

Marinette:with every fiber of my being Jayjay

To be continued or Patreon

Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington




True V Munoz-Bennett

Thanks again for the donations

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