Popping the Cherry

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"Are you ready for today?!" Velvet questioned.

"AS READY AS I'LL EVER BE!" Yang cheered.

For every dance, the bunny called Yang and ran through a list to prepare for the day. It was just something they did to get pumped for the day ahead and the fun times they would share.

Velvet smiled. "Okay, prom dress."

"Check... well hopefully." Yang giggled.

Velvet read next thing on her list. "ID for school entry."

"Check!" The blonde said enthusiastically.

Velvet continued down her checklist. The next thing, in her opinion, was more important than the dress. "Money."

"Got it!" Yang replied.

"Good, but just so you know, I'm paying for your dinner." Velvet declared.

Yang sighed, "I guess that's fair since I paid last dance," The blonde never liked owing money, but Velvet insisted. "But I'm paying the entrance fee."

"Fair enough. And lastly... ARE YOU READY TO PARTY?!" The bunny shouted.

"I'M READY TO PARTY!!!" Yang cheered.

Velvet's face beamed. "I'll pick you up in two hours."

"See ya then!" The two hung up as happy as ever.

Ruby busted into Yang's room. "What's with all the yelling?"

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