Short bonus chapter- Dinner

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(Just after they got together)

Hux's pov:

A few weeks after that kiss I decided it was time tell my mum so during the half term I dragged Kylo with me all the way to meet my mum.

We were sat down having dinner when my mum asked, "So why did you bring your roommate hunny?"

I put down my cutlery, "He's my boyfriend, my boyfriend mum." I smiled awkwardly.

She grinned, "I knew it, I knew it!" Then she had a very serious face and leaned over the table to Kylo looking him dead in the eyes, "I still don't forgive you for putting my son in the hospital and if you ever pull that shit again i'll-"

I dramatically cleared my throat, "Okay I think thats enough mum."

After dinner we were sat on the sofa just talking really and then Millie came over and sat on Kylo. He practically melted, "Aww who's this?"

"That's Millie." I smiled partially jealous. Mille then snuggled he'd head intl his chest, "I think she likes you." I laughed. I didn't mention that I was partially jealous of my own cat.

Watching him play with my cat was so funny. He acted like he was entertaining a baby and for some reason it worked. Millie slept in our room every night forcing me to curl up on the edge of the bed.

But tonight she didn't do that. I don't know where she was actually. Kylo pulled me closer to him, "God I love you so much." He spoke softly and quietly.

"Dude what?" I joked and turned to face him, "You know we are just friends right?"

He burst out laughing and then tried to quiet himself, "God you nob." He continued quietly laughing.

I rolled my eyes and leaned into him, "I love you lore than words can describe."

335 words
Thank you to anyone
who finished this story. You are some brave weirdos.

Quiet love ~ KyluxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin