Chapter 3- Stylish

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Hux's pov:

First lesson of the week. I was sat up straight in my uncomfortable chair next to... someone? I can't remember his name. I was taking a ridiculous amount of notes already. First lesson in and we started off nice and jolly with diseases and medicines throughout history.

Mr Grambs was blabbering on about John Snow and everyone looked half asleep. We had a mini assessment on this in a months time so it's probably for the best they listened. But who am I to judge?

"And that's how he discovered that it was in fact dirty water killing the people in soho, not miasma. But he didn't know it was germs yet as that hadn't been discovered. Now, for the last half hour I would like you to write a balanced argument based off of that statement on the board. Edwin Chadwick was more significant in medical advancements in the industrial revolution than John Snow. You have half an hour, go."

I write extremely quickly and balanced arguments are easy so I had finished within fifteen minutes. I pulled my book out of my satchel and began to read. I immersed myself in the book and tried to distract myself from my boredom.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder from the guy sitting next to me, I turned to face him, he started to whisper, "Hey. What you reading?"

I looked between him and the Professor to make sure I would not be caught,  "Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, why?" This is the sixth time i've read this book.

He quietly snorted, "Nerd, anyway, i'm having a party tomorrow at my dorm, c block. Do you wanna come?"

"Like a party party? With alcohol?" I asked. He nodded as if it was obvious, "Yeah sure, what room?" Anything to get away from Kylo.

"56. Everyone's coming around 10pm, bring some drinks or something. I couldn't care less."

"Boys!" My head snapped up. It was Mr Grambs, "Care to share with everyone?" we both shook our heads, "Good then be quiet."

I put my head down and began to read again. I was content. That will probably be the only party i'll ever be invited to in my lifetime.

Timeskip brought to you by Victor Frankenstein, a complete weirdo


I was now at the corner shop closest to my college. I handed the cashier two bottles of vodka and some whisky. I've never drank before ok , I don't know what's good.

I was shocked, he didn't ask for my ID and thank god because I'm underage. WAIT? Does he think i'm over 18? Do I look that old?

I'm insulted.

I made my way through the streets with a the brown paper bag in my hand and entered the nearest clothing shop. All my clothes are either formal, or not party attire so I needed at least one new outfit for this.

I browsed through the endless clothing racks, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, everything until I found a worker. I had no idea what to wear and she is pretty stylish, i'll just ask her. "Excuse me Miss." she turned to face me, her brown hair hitting me in the face.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to do that. What can I help you with?" Her voice was soft and almost soothing.

"I have a party tomorrow and I have no idea what to wear, could you help me?" I smiled basically begging her.

She smiled back, "Of course, what kind of thing were you thinking?"

"I have no idea. I usually just wear a shirt jumper and trousers." she laughed as I spoke.

"We'll that's not going to do, go over there in the changing rooms and i'll throw you some clothes over." She said. I nodded and made my way over to the changing rooms.

We were trying on outfits for a good twenty minutes. Every single one she shook her head at, or said it didn't feel right or was just ugly. Until eventually, "Oh my God! That's the one!"

I turned around to look back in the mirror, it was a slightly fitted black button up shirt (top button undone of course) with some black jeans and a leather belt. "I love it." I smiled and turned back around, "Thank you... Miss?"

She smiled, "Rey, I'm Rey. Now take those off and we'll go and ring you up." she left and I looked at myself in the mirror one final time, I looked good. More than good, I looked fucking great!

I made my way over to the tills with the clothes in hand and found the till Rey was at. I put the clothes on and she scanned them. She handed me a bag and my recite. I looked down at it confused to see a string of numbers on it.

She clearly noticed my confusion, "Incase you ever have any fashion emergency's again. Also because you seem cool and I want to be friends."

I smiled, "Thank you so much for your help, i'll be sure to message you later tonight. Bye!"

And with that I left. I felt happy. Had I seriously just made a new friend? That's the first time in ten years. Me, Phasma and Mitaka have just been friends since the dawn of time really.

Time skip brought to you by the 'is she a skywalker' debates :)


I have no idea where that cunt was but I was happy he was not here. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I added Rey to my contacts and quickly messaged her.


Hey it's me, from the shop.

I soon got a reply.

Hey! Also I didn't catch your name earlier?

Hux, my names Hux :)

Whaoh! That's such a cool name!!!
Sorry I have to get back to my shift, speak to you soon!!

Speak to you soon :)

Someone thinks my name is cool!!! SOMEONE THINKS MY NAME IS COOL!

Sorry I got a bit exited there. That's when I felt someone over my shoulder. Kylo.

"Is that your girlfriend?" PISS OFF YOU FUCKING CUNT. Sorry give me a minute to compose myself.

I still didn't talk to him and he looked slightly offended, "I don't see why you can't just talk to me?" I gave him no response, "Is it about what I said the other day? Look dude I apologise for that, I-"

I got of my bed and pushed him away from me. Not hard enough to knock him over but hard enough for him to stumble back. He got the hint, pulled a face and walked away.

He picked up a sketchbook and angrily started sketching as a I tried to fall asleep. I didn't have to look at him, I already knew his eyes were on me.

1146 words

WHOAH! Look at me bringing in other characters!

Quiet love ~ KyluxKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat