Chapter 16- Quiet love

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Hux's pov:

We never spoke of the kiss. Niether of us had the guts to and thank god for that.

This morning I was woken up by Kylo, "They are displaying the painting today. You said you would come with me and see it get put up. There will be a lot of people there, especially art critics."

I hummed still tired, "Yeah just give me five more minutes."

He nodded.

I fell back asleep and enjoyed an hour of bliss ; until I was woken up again. "Hux! Hux! You told me you would be up in five minutes. Its been an hour! The painting is getting displayed in ten minutes."

I jolted myself awake, "Im so sorry!" I started rushing around the dorm getting ready. I threw on a nice enough outfit.

"Come onnnn. We've got to go!" He sounded like a bored child as he spoke.

"But I haven't done my hair yet!" I shouted in a panicked frenzy.

"No time! It looks amazing anyway, you should leave it unstyled more often." He said softly.

I rolled my eyes smiling, "Come on lets go."

We got their just in time. Some important guy made a speech (I wasn't really listening to be honest) but then Kylo spoke. For that I did listen.

"Thank you." He said turning to the man who had just spoke. He then turned back to the front, "This is an honour and I'm so happy to be standing here right now. But.." but? I thought. "I couldn't of done it without him." He gestured to me. Everyones gaze shifted to me. I started tearing up slightly, from happiness? He continued his speech while keeping eye contact with me "Without Hux, this painting would not exist. My work would be so uninspired. So thank you Hux. You mean so much to me."

I stood there stunned. I assumed he'd mention me being his model but not pretty much write a whole essay on me. But it felt nice to be appreciated.

Unrelated but this event was very formal. I didn't even realised it was an event (I thought they were just going to out it up in one of the halls). But apparently we have a whole massive grand hall dedicated to the arts. Never seen it before or even heard of it.

There were old men in tuxedos (art critics I assume) and women in floor length gowns(more art critics I assume). I feel very underdressed now. But Kylo made me feel better as he wore only a tshirt and a pair of jeans. It was kind of funny looking at him next to all these people.

When Kylo cane off the stage he came straight over to me, "Are you alright? I saw you crying." He was genuinely concerned.

I started laughing and put my hands on his arm, "I was happy. Happy for you. Im so proud of you." I almost started crying again, "And that speech, god that speech."

He smiled and hugged me. He pulled away, "Do you want to go start and awkward conversation with an old rich art critic with me?" He asked.

I felt a smirk growing on my face, "Of course I do."

And thats how we ended up in front of some old guy called Snoke. Kylo kept talking about something art related and I just stood there looking pretty.

Then the man turned to me, "Your modelling is amazing. Are you a professional?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled, "No I am not. I am just his roommate."

He looked shocked, "What? This is a crime!" he laughed, "Not being a model and being willing to pose half naked thats impressive. Do not listen to what anybody says about you. You are fantastic!"

I blushed from embarrassment. How do you respond to that? "Thank you so much, it means a lot."

He nodded and turned to Kylo, "And you! Your brushwork is fabulous. You really capture his beauty! I hope to see more of your work in the future Mr Ren." I could see Kylo beaming from excitements, "Well I must be going enjoy your day boys."

"Thank you Sir!" Kylo said, "Whoah that was so cool! Do you know who that was?"

"Snoke? Thats was his name right?" I asked slightly confused.

He began laughing, "Yes I know but do you know what he painted?" He asked. I shook my head. "This ceiling." He pointed upwards to the rococo like ceiling.

If was covered in Cherubs angles and religious imagery, it was stunning (not as good as Kylos work though), "Really? I thought that was painted in like the 18th century?"

He shook his head, "Nope! And he called my artwork good! He wants to see more of my work in the future!" I could tell how exited he was. Him being happy made me happy (even if art wasn't my thing).

We were there for hours socialising with art people. I don't know who they are okay? They were all so nice but never generic. The all gave different compliments.

Some said Kylos work was : extraordinary, out of this world, fresh out of the renaissance, mesmerising. And others said I was : stunning, the best model, confident, enchanting.

But eventually everyone had left and it was just me and Kylo in the grand room. I stared at the painting on display while Kylo walked around doing god knows what.

I felt a pair of arms warp around me, "I love this." He said.

Not having him became too much for me to handle. So I turned around and I kissed him. Passionately. Like if I stopped he would disappear. And he repeated the action exactly. The kiss was flawless. I ran my hands through his hair and he cupped my face in his palms. Although I didn't want it to, I suppose it had to stop eventually.

He looked at me nervously, his face bright red, "Will you be my boyfriend." He asked looking off to the side.

I didn't give him a verbal response I just pulled him back close to me and kissed him again. It was softer this time. God I love this. We were quiet as we kissed.

I pulled away, smiling like an idiot, "There aren't any cameras in here right?" I asked jokingly.

He shook his head.

"Good." I put my hands around his neck carefully scared he'd would break. I couldn't allow this moment to end. I leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear, "Now kiss me again."

Our silent hatred had turned into a quiet love.

1130 words

(also I loved making snoke nothing like how he is)

There will be an epilogue and a bonus chapter :)


Quiet love ~ KyluxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora