Chapter 10- Confrontation

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Hux's pov:

"Wait." Phasma said, "Explain it to me again."

"How many times do we have to go over this? Kylos whole sketchbook is just drawings of me. Do you need me to say it again?"

She chuckled to herself, Mitaka burst out laughing. "Dude he's got it bad for you!" he laughed.

They all started laughing. This wasn't amusing to me, instead it was pretty confusing. I decided I was sick of them and needed some real help. "Screw this. Bye guys see you soon."

I left and headed straight for where I knew I would find good help. I finally found what I was looking for. I walked into the clothing shop and spotted Rey hanging up clothes. I rushed over to her. "Rey I need your help!"

She jumped and looked at me, "God dude you scared me! Are you alright, you look flustered?" She said. "Also can this wait ten minutes so we can talk about it on my break?" I nodded, "Okay just wait over there." she pointed to one of those shoe trying on leather block chairs. I obliged and sat down while watching her hang up jeans.

I bounced my leg to try and distract myself from the conversation I was about to have. What would she say? Would she judge me? I hadn't know her long so I really couldn't be sure.

Finally she came over, "Come on follow me." I felt honoured as I walked outside into the staff thing? It was basically just a wide ally out the back of the shop with two benches on it. She sat down at the bench and I did the same. I hugged my jacket around me. It was so dam cold! She began eating something and gestured at me to talk.

"Right so, please don't judge me. I don't really know how this happened but god it's weird, please don't ju-"

"Get on with it!" she laughed.

"Right sorry. So you know that roommate I was telling you about?" she nodded, "Right so I sort of spotted his sketchbook the other day and well... it's all drawings of me. Every single one of them." she spat out her food and I quickly jumped away, "Ew gross!"

She laughed, "Sorry! It was just surprising that all. Are they like... porny?"

My eyes widened, "Oh god no! Just like drawings over me when I was asleep or... oh there's this one. He took me to nando's and he must of sneakily taken a photo while I was eating."

"So he took a photo of you on a date and sketched it? Awww cute!" she smiled as she continued eating her food.

"Date? No not a date! An apology dinner." I stated mater of factly.

"Mhmm. Sure. Sounds romantic. Anyway, how do you feel about these drawings? Do you feel as if they are an invasion of your privacy or are you kind of into it?"

I looked around awkwardly, "I don't feel like it's an invasion of my privacy or that it's creepy but I wouldn't phrase it like i'm into it."

She nodded, "Okay so your into it." I smacked her with my satchel, "Sorry just staring the obvious!"

I rolled my eyes, "So what do I do?"

"Bring it up to him. Ask him about it. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to talk about it." she said. Why is she so good at giving advice?

"No I can't do that!" I refused. I couldn't just bring it up to him?!

"Cant or don't want to?" she smirked.

I sighed in defeat, "Fine, that's a good point, i'll talk to him tonight."

She smiled because she had won, "Message me what happens! I want to know." I nodded and left the alley (reviving a few glares from the employees but no one said anything).

When I got back to my dorm he wasn't there. I sat on my bed, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Until-

"Hey you ok?" he asked joyfully walking in with a scarf around his neck the chucking it onto his bed. I was going to tell Kylo. That I'd seen his sketchbook obviously. It plagued my mind too much and I needed him to explain everything to me.

I took a deep breath in, "I need to talk to you."

"Hello to you to." he joked then something hit him, "You haven't reconsidered suing me have you. Please I'll do anything, I don't have the money to-"

I cut him off, "No, it's not that. Could you sit down please." I smiled.

He did as I said, "I'm not used to you talking to me it's weird." He laughed, "What is it, what have I done?"

"I've seen your sketchbook. I'm sorry I know it was wrong of me to snoop but I've seen it now and I want to know why." I said really quickly. It was unholy how rapidly I was speaking.

He looked at me slightly angry and stood up. "You looked in my sketchbook?!" I nodded, "Why would you do that! That's mine! Not yours, mine. Who said you could touch it because I certainly didn't." He was shouting now.

Him shouting made me want to cry. I didn't want him to be angry at me, I understood why though. I could feel the tears teasing my eyes. Why? It's not like I've ever cried while being shouted at before. His tone made me feel scared though. "I'm sorry, I know it was wrong and I- I'm sorry. It's just your art teacher mentioned it and I was curious." That's when I felt a tear glide down my cheek. Why now? Not now!

"We'll maybe you should of thought of that-" he was raising his voice but then he paused, "Are you alright?" He came closer to me. I pushed myself back on the bed trying to get away from him. His face fell. "I'm sorry for yelling and shit, I- it's just my sketchbooks very personal to me," I can tell dude, "and it hurts to know you went behind my back."

I quickly wiped my face pretending that didn't just happen, "It's stupid. I didn't mean to cry it just happened. Please ignore that. You know what I'm going to sleep. Sorry good night."

I rolled over so he couldn't see my face and pulled the blankets up to my nose. He walked over and sat down in front of my face, "Do you want to know why all of my sketchbook is you?" He asked. I nodded, "It's because your beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. Not in a weird way, everyone knows it. Everyone thinks your a model. And everyone's jealous that I used you as a model before they could. And I'm sorry I did it all without asking you first but I couldn't help myself."

I smiled. It wasn't even fake. He put a real smile on my face. "I'm not that beautiful though." I tried to laugh it off.

"Oh but you are! Can you not see that? You are stunning." he kept going. Maybe Reys right. Maybe he is in love with me.


"Can I tell you which ones my favourite," I began. He nodded, "The one at nando's. Is that why you asked for my number so you could take that photo?"

He nodded, embarrassed, "I wanted one of you awake." He laughed to himself. "I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you for drawing me without the bandages." I smiled.

"I think you look cool either way." He smiled back, "Also," he stood up and came over to me, "I love the sound of your voice." He whispered into my ear. I felt my face heat up and he began to chuckle.

1305 words

Dude that's pretty homosexual of you.

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