Chapter 7- Distraction

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CW- Brief  mention of blood (not graphic or anything)
Hux's pov:

This may of been the longest class i've ever had. The combination of : a throbbing head, a faint hangover and the whispers I could hear all around me did not help. They all said things like, I heard he got abused or something, I heard he got jumped, I heard he's actually a drug dealer and got beat up for selling to someone's daughter.

Yeah that's a bit ridiculous isn't it?

But when we were finally dismissed I practically sprinted out... until I was stopped. "Mr Hux?" it was my Professor, "Can I talk to you?"

I turned around to face him trying to put on a relatively happy face, "Sit," he gestured to a chair near his desk, "Are you ok?"

I nodded. I'm done with these conversations. "How did you really get that wound?" He pointed to my head.

"I fell. I thought I told you?" keeping up this lie is harder than I thought. Maybe I should just tell the truth? No that would get Kylo into trouble. Wait. Why would I care about that? I still avoid saying anything about him away.

"Are you sure?" he gave me a sympathetic look. I nodded again, "Well whatever you say. Just let me know if anything happens alright." I smiled nodded again and made my way to the door.

But I stopped in my tracks, "Sir?" he looked up, "How do you deal with someone who really infuriates you. Like, really angers you." It's was worth a shot.

"I'd say just ignore them and keep going. Remember your better than them." he smiled and I left. Thanks Sir, so helpful, not like i've already been doing that.

I made my way through the corridors while getting stared at. What is their problem? Have they never been injured before? Eventually I made it back to my dorm, the rest of the day was free period so I just decided to rest.

Kylo was sitting on his bed sketching away at something, sticking his tongue out in concentration. As soon as I shut the door he realised I was there and quickly shut the book. Weird. But I didn't think much of it.

He still seemed nervous like I'd hand him some legal paperwork any second but he tried to hide it. I realised I had been staring at him a bit to long and went to the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards and there was nothing there except one pot noodle.

I hate pot noodles. (AN: I could never. I literally rely on pot noodles) Kylo must have picked up on this (as he usually does) and said "Do you want to go out to eat? I'll pay, it's the least I can do after giving you a concussion." Usually I wouldn't of but it's free food so I nodded and we set of.

Nando's. Wow. He has taste. As we were sat at our table waiting for a waiter to take our order Kylo asked me, "What do you want?" he smiled.

You may think this is petty but I still refuse to talk to him. So instead I typed it out and showed it to him. He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Ok. Still not talking to me though?"

I shook my head.

Time skip brought to you by nando's (the only place you can take a girl on a first date


We had our food in front of us and we both started to eat in a comfortable silence. It was honestly lovely. I love Nando's. The food was so good I forgot who I was with.

Once we had finished our food Kylo turned to me, "Hey, I don't have your number. I think it would be useful in the case of an emergency." he smiled awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes, pulled a pen out of my pocket and began writing it on a napkin (while checking it on my phone because I can't remember my phone number for the life of me) "Thanks. Let me test it out!" he said, he was like a child who'd just got told they were going to McDonalds. Weirdo.

I soon got a notification and I checked my phone.


Hey :)

I didn't even bother responding I just showed him my screen to prove it had gone through.

Eventually (after he spent twenty minutes drinking his drink) He paid and we left. We walked through the same path we had walked the other night. Awkward much? There was a brownish stain on the concrete from my own blood. Fucking disgusting.

We were both tense as we walked. He clearly didn't want to say anything in fear of offending me or saying the wrong thing.

When we finally reached our dorm I immediately went to bed. Well at least I tried but all I could hear was Kylo's bloody pencil. I grabbed my phone if the bedside table.


I quickly changes his contact name.


Can you stop


Sketching. It's fucking annoying i'm trying to sleep

It's only 5pm?

Do I have to remind you who practically cracked my head open the other day?

Sorry, i'll stop. Good night :)

Night :|

I felt content and went to bed without hearing that goddam pencil.

934 words

Tbh this was just an excuse to bring up nando's.

And we love Mr Grambs <3

Also if you have any ideas for future chapters let me know, they may not be used straight away but they will by used and you will be credited :)

Quiet love ~ KyluxWhere stories live. Discover now