Chapter 2- All time high

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Hux's pov:

I was out with two friends. Class started in five days and my friends are trying to make the most of their break. I however, am studying. I cant let myself fall behind.

We were at a park somewhere, on a picnic blanket. Everyone had brought some food, I brought cookies I'd bought earlier from the corner shop, they were... alright.

Mitaka moved over and snatches the text book from my hand, "Come on dude, you can study any other time, we're having a picnic right now. Chill." he glared at me slightly, in a friendly way.

"I can't chill, what if I- actually never mind. I'll put it away." I put the books in my satchel and everyone looked relieved. They worry about me a bit too much.

Phasma looked over to me, "So I heard you have Kylo as your roommate this year? How's that been going?" she smiles.

I look up, slightly confused, "You know him?"

"Yes, he was in my art class last year." She smiles as if it's obvious. I always forget she takes art because, well, she's not a dickhead. "So, how's it going? I know hes... difficult."

I sighed, "Thank God, i've needed to talk about this for ages! He called me a posh twat and laughed at me for calling my mum and- God he's so infuriating!" I was grabbing my hands in my hair. Just the thought of him boiled my blood.

Mitaka looks over sympathetically, "You could always ask to change rooms." he suggests.

"Yeah but, then everyone's going to see me as awkward and pathetic. Also, he might get offended or something and beat me up. He's a big guy you know!"

"Yep." Phasma smiles, "Six foot two."

My mouth widens, "Six foot two?!" I ask in shock. she nods.

"You know what I have an idea!" Mitaka smirked deviously. God I hate that word but it fits, "Come to my dorm."

Time skip brought to you by those cool ikea bears


"Ok here it is." he moves out the way of what he's been covering and god it's weird. A photo of Kylo glued to a dart board with his eyes crossed out.

Me and Phasma simultaneously look over at him with our
mouths wide open. "What. The. Fuck." Phasma said it before I could.

I looked between him and that strange death threat on his wall, "Where did you get a photo of him? We only just got back to your place."

"This is what I do when he annoys me. Throw darts at him. Try it." he hands me five darts. I look towards Phasma and shrug, giving her the, it's worth a shot look. She nodded in agreement. I'd thrown darts before, in the pub when mum would take me there as a kid.

I threw them pretty quickly, aggressively and precisely. One on each eye, one in his mouth, one on his nose and the final on his stupid hair.

Mitaka turned to me, "Whoaahhh dude. Angry much?"

"You could say so." I made my way to his sofa and sat down and watched him and Phasma throw darts at him. It was so relaxing to watch. I think it's a sign if you've only spent one day with someone and you already want to throw darts at their head.

After another half an hour of throwing darts at his hideous face they both sat down next to me. Mitaka handed me a strange plastic bag, "Want some?" Drugs.

"No, you know I dont-" but he cut me off.

"Come onnnn. It will be fun. And it will take your mind off of Kylo."

I considers it, "Fine. How do I do this?" [AN- Don't do drugs guys] It took him ten minutes for him to show me and for me to understand but eventually I got it. I blew some smoke out and, wow, it felt nice.

"Holy shit that's good!" I said and he nodded in agreement. He blew out some smoke and he passed it to Phasma as well who willingly accepted.

We'd been doing this for a few hours now. I was lying on the floor for some reason. I looked down and saw the time on my watch, "Holy- I, whoah." I couldn't even speak properly, "I need to go, i'll see you guys later."

They waved lazily and I walked out the door. My dorm was in the completely other block to Mitakas so it was a good twenty minute walk. I took everything around me in.

I smelt awful but the fresh night air was refreshing. The trees were moving slightly but I couldn't tell if it was the wind or the drugs. Everything felt so... lovely.

And the stars, oh the stars, they shone brighter than they ever had before. And I swear I saw a shooting star. I made a wish. I'm not telling you though or else it won't come true.

Eventually, I made it to my dorm, luckily I had my keys in my pocket or that would of been embarrassing. I walked through the door, tripping over myself, reviving a glare from (what's his name again? Kylo! That's it!) Kylo.

It took him a second but then the smell hit him, "Are you high?" he asked in disbelief. Or was it anger? I was too high to know.

No matter how high I was, I hadn't forgotten the promise I had made the other day. So I didn't talk to him. I simply kicked of my shoes and lay in bed.

"Answer me god admit!" He was yelling. I still didn't respond. "Fine if that's how it's going to be." He grabbed some sort of spray or something and sprayed practically the whole bottle over me. I started coughing from the amount of shit he was spraying over me. "Exactly, I don't wanna smell that shit in my room! Don't do that again!"

He still received no response from me. He really thinks he can control me like i'm some sort of child? Well the answer is no. I pulled the covers up to my nose and fell asleep. Jesus that spray is strong.

1075 words

I think we can all tell that I don't know how drugs work.

Also if you have any ideas for chapters let me know and you will be credited.

Also sorry if updates are slow i'm back at school :)

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