Chapter Fourteen

Começar do início

Slightly amused by all of this, Snape smugly pointed his wand downwards before saying, "Turn out your pockets"

Harry didn't move. Repeating himself, Snape spoke again more demanding, "Turn.Out.Your.Pockets"

Sighing, Harry pulled out the map. Snape's wand lit it up as he asked, "What's this?"

"Spare bit of parchment" Harry shrugged.

Raising his eyebrows, Snape responded not believing him. "Really? Open it."

Harry looked at him with a frustrated look before unfolding the supposed 'bit of parchment'. Catching Harry off guard, Snape pointed his wand down at the parchment and uttered it to reveal its secrets. Slowly, the imprints began to fade in but Harry noticed that it looked different. There was a message on it.

Snape looked at Harry smugly, "Read it."

Harry took a breath before glancing down at the map and speaking, "Messr Prongs would like to offer his compliments to Professor Snape and wants to know how a Slimy, greasy git like you would ever be a professor, Messr Padfoot would also like to offer his compliments to Professor Snape and he entirely agrees with Messr Prongs, he would also like to add that Messr Crow is amazing in bed. Messr Wormtail would like to request on behalf of himself and Crow who by the way is completely against this but we forced her to take part, to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business"

At the last bit, Harry glanced back up from the map looking rather amused and smug at Snape. Snape sneered, "You insolent little-"

"Professor." A voice spoke, Snape spun around and he was met with the sandy-haired man with scars across his face.

"Well, well. Lupin," Snape began rather distastefully. "Out for a walk in the moonlight, are we?"

Lupin looked at Snape knowingly before ignoring him and walking towards Harry. "Harry, are you all right?"

Snape answered for him, "That remains to be seen," he snatched the map rather dramatically out of Harry's hands as his cloak swished "I have just confiscated a rather curious artefact from Mr Potter"
Snape held it out for Lupin before speaking, "Take a look, Lupin. It's supposed to be your area of expertise. Clearly, it's full of dark magic."

Lupin looked down at the map a hint of a smile appearing on his face before he responded to Snape, "I seriously doubt it Severus, it looks to me as if it's a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it" Lupin chuckled.

Snape had an unimpressed look on his face as he glanced at Harry suspiciously whilst Lupin continued, "I suspect it's a zonko product" Snape tried reaching for it but Lupin snatched it away before he could.

"Nevertheless," Lupin begun looking at Snape before he continued somewhat mocking Snape, "I shall investigate it and any qualities it may possess. After all, it is as you say, my area of expertise."

Lupin diverted he attention to Harry now, "Harry, would you come with me?"

Harry nodded his head and began to follow, Lupin turned back to Snape once more, "Professor, good night" before he walked with Harry. Snape looked at them coldly before turning around.

"Are you deaf? Put that light out!" exclaimed a portrait. Snape's lip curled as he began to strut away, his cloak swooshing behind him as he dimmed the light on his wand.
Lupin and Harry entered the dark, lifeless, empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, immediately Lupin began lecturing Harry,

"Now, I haven't the faintest idea Harry how this map came to be in your possession. But quite frankly, I am astounded that you didn't hand this in."

Harry motioned to speak but Lupin continued, "Did it never occur to you that this, in the hands of Sirius Black and Silvia Snape-Black is a map to you?"

Harry looked dismayed with himself as he shook his head ashamed, "No, sir"

Lupin treaded closer to Harry sighing as he spoke, "You know, your father never set much store by the rules either. But, he and your mother gave their lives to save yours." Lupin raised his voice now, "Gambling their sacrifice by wandering around the castle, unprotected with killers on the loose seems to be a pretty poor way to repay them!"

He continued, "Now, I will not cover up for you again Harry. Do you hear me?" He sounded like an uncle scolding their troublesome nephew.

Harry nodded his head before speaking, "Yes, sir"

"I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there."

Harry began to walk towards the classroom door and looked back as Lupin continued, "And don't take any detours," Lupin gestured to the map before resuming his sentence, "If you do, I shall know"

Once Harry reached the door, he stopped, remembering something, he called out to Lupin, "Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works"

Lupin gestured for him to elaborate, "Earlier on, it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to he dead"

Lupin looked curious as he asked, "Oh really? And who might that be?"

"Peter Pettigrew" spoke Harry confidently.

Lupin's face visibly paled, he looked scared and shocked before he spoke a hint of a whisper shaking his head, "That's not possible."

Harry shrugged, "It's just what I saw" he walked up to the door calling back one last time, "Good night,

Lupin was left standing at the front of the class, his mind racing. He gulped, something wasn't right.

A/n: Happy Sunday! I love you all <3

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