Chapter 1

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Naruto rubbed his eyes and looked at the blaring alarm clock that sat on his bedside table. He blinked his eyes and looked at the time. It was 7:45, and he was going to be late for the first day of school. Naruto jumped out of bed and ran over to the bathroom to rinse his mouth with mouthwash. He threw on his school uniform and a pair of sneakers and ran out of his room into the kitchen/living room area.

He threw a piece of toast in the toaster while he put on his shoes and packed up his bag for school. He snatched his toast from the toaster before it was done and ran out the door with it in his mouth while he locked his door. Shoving the keys in his pocket, he ran down the stairs.

Naruto checked his watch as he jogged through the crowded streets. The time was 8 AM. He gritted his teeth and prayed he could get there on time. When he reached school, it was 8:20. He paused for a moment to catch his breath before entering the school building.

When he opened the door, there were a bunch of people crowded in the lobby. Naruto pushed past all the other people to get to the hallway, which was a little less crowded. He made his way to his locker and put in the combination. Swinging open the door, he pulled out some of the textbooks and made his way to his homeroom class.


Sasuke stretched his back as he stood up and walked into the bathroom to get ready for his first day of school. Technically, the first day of school was two months ago, but since the band's tour ran a bit into the school year, they had no other choice but to start late.

Sasuke pulled out the box that his school uniform got shipped in and put on the uniform. He collected his things and went into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. Suigetsu was sitting at the counter, practically asleep. Sasuke snapped his fingers in his face to wake him up.

"Hm?" Suigetsu said, rubbing his eyes.

"We have to leave for school soon," Sasuke replied.

"Oh," Suigetsu replied, rubbing his eyes.

Sasuke opened the cabinet and poured a bowl of cereal and milk for himself. He leaned against the counter and ate his breakfast quickly. When he was done, he placed his bowl in the sink, grabbed his bag, and went to put on his shoes.

"I'm leaving, so if we are walking together, you should hurry up," Sasuke announced.

Jugo and Suigetsu followed Sasuke out the door. Suigetsu looked like he had just rolled out of bed, and Jugo was more put together. The boys attracted the attention of everyone as they walked to school. Girls flocked around them, asking for autographs and pictures, but Sasuke and Jugo ignored them. Suigetsu, however, enjoyed the fans and stopped for pictures and autographs.

"Come on, if you stop for any longer, we are going to be late," Jugo said.

Suigetsu jogged to catch up with the other two.

When they reached the school and opened the doors, all attention immediately went to them. Suiegtsu stopped and took pictures, but the other two boys kept walking. They shoved through the crowd to try and get to the main office. Once they reached the door, they opened it and closed it quickly before anyone else followed them in.

"Hello, are you the new students?" the secretary asked.

They nodded their heads, and the women handed out their schedules and told them to take a seat in the office. The three sat down in the chairs and waited for further instructions.

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