Chapter 25

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We appeared in a beautuful garden and i was struck by awe that i just couldn't speak
"Walk with me Rebi" Big guy requested.

I obliged "sure, why not"

We navigated through a very beautiful garden there were lilies, daffodils,sunflowers and even dandelions everywhere it was hands down the most beautiful garden I have ever laid eyes on.

We walked past the gardens and stood at the center of a field by the left side there was a graveyard and by the right side there was a hospital they were just divided by a thin wall.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked.

"No" I replied truthfully the place kinda gave me the chills.

He smiled kindly and began "you see in this life, there is a balance that has to be kept. Look behind you" he said

I turned and behind me was a huge weighing scale that stood, both bearing same weight as none was tipped down nor higher than the other.

"That is the scale of balance" he said behind me.

I turned to look at him and he continued "To your left you see a graveyard which symbolizes death and to your right you can see a hospital which symbolizes life" he took a deep breath and continued "for a soul to be born, a soul has to die" he finished.
"Do you know what happens when the balance is tipped over?" He asked.

I shook my head "no I don't", I replied.

"Watch" he pointed towards the graveyard. Just then skeletons started to rise from their graves and I looked over at the hospital and I saw people dying. "The veil between life and death is torn and the dead rise again".

I looked away covering my eyes as it was too horrible to watch
"Okay,okay  I get it people die for people to be born can you please make it stop now?" I pleaded. When it did, I faced him again and asked "what does that have to do with me?"

"It has everything to do with you because you are going to have to choose today".

Confused, I asked "choose what?"

"You want to go back to your parents right?" He asked.

"Well yeah, I mean that has been the whole reason for this mission right?" I asked him starting to get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Then you have to choose which one of your sibling will die for you to be reborn" he said without emotions in his eyes.

I let out a slow cynical laugh with a panicked look on my face backing away slowly. " I don't... understand, what do you mean by one of my siblings has to die for me to be reborn?".

He didn't reply me, he just watched at me "I don't want to be reborn I just want to say goodbye, I just want proper closure before I leave" I struggled to fight back tears.

" already have closure. You can't get everything in this life, you were given a golden opportunity. You stayed here for eight days. The closure you needed was for yourself and not for your family".

"I haven't gotten closure" I protested.

"Yes you have, let's walk down memory lane. Rebi, you suffered from pain and depression when you were alive and so we assigned you to someone who suffered from the same thing Annabel, so by helping her you helped yourself. You had anger issues so you were assigned to Riven and finally, you suffered from low self esteem due to bullying when you were alive so we assigned you to Eliza and now you've had closure.
That's the real closure you needed and you've had it so now you can go". He said with a sad smile.

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