Chapter 19

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Big guy was here and Annabel let out a shirl whimper.
"Rebi, no!" She was even sobbing harder than I was.

"It's okay Annabel" I tried calming her down.

"Rebi!" His chill voice was enough to pierce the air of distress in the room.

I turned to look at him and smiled "we meet again big guy" I tried to make a small joke. Flimsy joke I know.

"Yes we do and this time, you return to dust where you rightfully belong. You had a second chance and you blew it".

"It hasn't been 72 hours yet. I have three hours left before it's up" I argued at that point it was the only thing I could do, buy time.

"What difference would it make, You will turn to dust anyways why not now?".

"Please, I have a plan" I pleaded I really did have a plan and if it didn't work then I was screwed.

"You have three hours but once it's up, I take you with me", replied with finality in his tone.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked him.

Just then, there was a live broadcast. It was a press release and Annabel's dad shouted at her to come out real quick.

I followed after her and on screen were Rivens parents. His mother stood on the podium while his father was seated opposite her.

"Good evening everyone, I'm here today because I have an important announcement actually, a confession to make. It has been bothering me for years now but I lacked the strength and courage to do so. Yesterday, a little voice in my head encouraged me and gave me the push I needed to do it. It said it would fix the dying relationship with my son" she took a really deep breath and continued with her speech.

"I, Portia kravis lied about not having a daughter. I had my daughter Ruby Miranda Kravis, 10 years ago but she had Tetany and in a bid to protect her and myself from the world, I hid and denied her existence.

We were worried about what it would do to us and our reputation. I thought about how the press would react to this and how my baby girl would be a subject of discussion and ridicule of the press. I did what I thought and felt was best for our family but I realize now, what a horrible person I was. Maybe I still am,but I'm trying to right my wrongs and the first thing I'm doing is apologizing to the world.

I haven't been a good wife and a mother. My daughter deserved recognition and love, she deserved better. I'll never have the chance to give her that and with the pain and guilt I'll forever live with.

Riven, if you're watching this, I'm sorry. I have hurt you more than anyone and I know you wouldn't be able to forgive me but I want you to know that I really am sorry and I'm willing to change for us, for you". She finished with tears in her eyes which she wiped away elegantly with her handkerchief.

This time around, his father stood up and his mother stepped down replacing him where he sat, not without giving Mr Kravis a long hug.

He stood on the podium. Cleared his throat and began.

"Riven, your mother and I are deeply sorry for the hurt we've caused you. Citizens, we're also sorry for making a mockery of you. We ask for your forgiveness and in this moment I ask for privacy for I and my family as we would like to mourn for our daughter and reflect on our actions the proper way" He finished, stepped down and took his wife's hand. She held on tight to him for emotional support.

The press were In a frenzy. Cameras flashing everywhere, reporters already casting the news, writers writing down frantically, the rest of the crew asking questions they knew they wouldn't get answers to.

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