Chapter 12

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We appeared at a mansion. That's the only name fitting for the splendor I saw. It was painted all white and  there were trees everywhere. Grass carpets on the ground. Security agents scattered everywhere. Exotic animals such as peacocks and ostriches were seen walking around. Were these even allowed?

Branded on the gate were the initials JK. Wait, hold up! JK, as in Jack kravis mansion. The Jack kravis, the head of Kravis real estate? No freaking way!

"This is the residence of.." I cut him of

"Jack Kravis head of Kravis Real Estate Empire and one of the richest men in this country!". I caught my breath and literally had to put my hands over my head to try and get over this shock.

"No,freaking way, what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I was just about to tell you before you rudely interrupted me". He gave me a death glare.

"Oops, my bad! Please carry on" I gestured for him to with my hands, bowing slightly.

He looked at me suck in a deep breath and continued." As I was saying, we are at Jack Kravis residence..". He was interrupted my my squeal. In my defense I've only ever dreamed of coming here. I couldn't hide my excitement.

"Would you please, let me finish?" He growled. Pinching his forehead with his fingers. Guess he was really mad.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized sheepishly. "I'll keep my mouth shut now". I promised.

"We're here because the next person you're going to help resides in this residence".

"No way is it Mr JK himself?" I asked with so much hope in my heart.

"Close, but not him, it's his son, Riven Kravis".

"Even better!" I squealed. I mean could you blame me? that boy literally was the hottest teenager alive! " Sign me up real fast" I said as I started proceeding towards the gate.

"Would you get back here!" He commanded.

I turned reluctantly and walked on back. At this rate I was surprised this man didn't just turn me back to dust.

"Oh trust me I'm on the verge of doing so" he replied.

I started laughing when I realized. Wait hold up! He can hear my thoughts?

"Yes I can" he answered another one of my thoughts.

Wow, this isn't funny.

"Neither has what you've been doing since we got here is. So listen up before I take you up on your advice and really do turn you into dust". He threatened.

Now that, got my attention. I stood as still and quiet as I could be.

Looking satisfied, he began " Now, Riven is a kid who suffers from anger management issues. Now your job is to help him manage his anger better and relieve him of the pain and bitterness it comes with".

"Relieve him of his anger? I'm not a therapist!". I argued.

"Well, you are now". He retorted and disappeared.

"Do you really have to keep on doing this? Disappearing when I need.. and now I'm just talking to myself" I realized. I face-palmed and walked through the gates.

I decided to leave the exploring for later and just appeared inside. I almost got blinded by all the gold in the house.

The floors were marble, the interior decoration was gold. There was a huge chandelier that hung from the ceiling to the floor. The chairs were made of gold. There was a chocolate fountain in the living room. I mean what is up with the decoration of this house? Everything was just so extravagant.

There was no one in the living room it was eerily silent. I guess Mr and Mrs kravis weren't home.

I walked along the hall and saw paintings of great artists hanging on the wall and in the center of it all hung a family portrait of the kravis'. Mr Kravis, his wife Portia and their only son and child Riven.

It was just beautiful. Mrs kravis has such a beautiful smile and olive skin. She looked so young that no one would believe that she was almost 50. She looked 20. Well I guess that's what money did to you. It made you look young and flawless.

Her husband was no different he was already nearing 60 but you could mistake him for a bachelor. He looked impeccable. So was his son Riven who was the golden boy of the country. Everyone wanted to feature him in every magazine. He was so popular and so handsome.

Haa, I almost started day dreaming before I snapped myself out of it. At the end of the hall to the right, was a door. Well you know me, I opened it and right there was a dining room. Fancy!

I closed it and walked a little further in until I found a staircase. It was huge! I braced myself and started climbing. I got exhausted after the 12th stair before I realized I didn't have much sense. I mean what was doing? I'm a ghost I can teleport. I appeared at the top of the staircase and was so proud of my accomplishment that I gave myself a pat on the back.

Almost Immediately, I heard shouts. Sounded like an argument. It was coming from the third room by the corridor. I walked there to try and get a closer look.

Immediately I got there, the door burst open and I ran to hide behind a huge vase I saw. That's when I remembered I was a ghost. What was I hiding for when nobody could see me. I mentally laughed at myself and walked away from my hiding spot and back to the room.

Guess I was wrong, Mr and Mrs kravis were home. They were arguing with their son Riven.

"You have to go Rivvy, this is important, everyone is going to be there" Portia said

"No mom, I already told you I'm not going, you only want me to be there because it's going to benefit you and you can show me off to your friends. I'm not a prize, I'm your son". He replied back.

"Now that's no way to speak to your mother young man" Mr Kravis scolded.

"It's not like you're any better, you're doing the same thing as mom. You all don't care about me, you just care about your stupid company and reputation" He fired back.

"Riven!" Mr Kravis growled.


"You will go to this event whether you like it or not". He commanded wow, he had a powerful voice it sounded like a thunder.

"And if I don't? what are you going to do about it?" He challenged him.

"That's it! No TV for a week, no phone,car and your grounded Mr!" He threatened.

"Ohh, I'm so scared!" He mocked. While waving his hands in the same mocking manner .

Mr Kravis scoffed and stormed away angrily.

Mrs Kravis actually looked heartbroken. She looked at Riven with so much sadness in her eyes.
"I don't know how you got like this, Riven. I just want you to realize that we're doing this all for you." She whispered her voice breaking.

"This is not what I want mom" he said finally his angry facade started calming a little seeing his mom sad.

"Well then, what do you want? Can't you just do this for me?" She asked.

As if saying that triggered his anger because he fired on again. His anger returned full force. He looked away and said quietly "Get out mom, please."

His mom looked at him one last time and walked out of the room.

As soon as his mom was out of the room he went ballistic throwing things on the floor, and then he turned and punched the mirror with his fists.

The glass shattered everywhere and his hands started trickling with blood. He got shards of glass in his knuckles.

I shrieked, and he turned in my direction. Looked straight into my eyes, and asked me "who the hell are you?".

Oh God!

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