Chapter 17

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I walked in on Riven packing up his things angrily. He just kept on stuffing clothes and shoes into a duffel bag. Muttering curse words under his breath.

"Riven..." I called.

"Not now ghost, not now".

I shut my mouth and watched him pack up and leave his house. His parents didn't say a word or try to stop him. They just watched him drive out in his Lamborghini Gallardo.

Talk about riding in style. He sure did have taste. He drove to an open green field at just outskirts of the city.

He got out of his car, picked up stones and sat on the bonnet. He started throwing rocks into the little stream just by the end of the field.

I sat quietly and tried to I recall what I had read last night that taught me how to deal with people who had anger issues.

how to help someone with anger issues
1.Stay calm.
2.Try to listen to them.
3.Give them space.
4.Help them identify their triggers.
5.Support them to seek professional help.
6.Look after your own wellbeing.

First, stay calm. Well that was checked off the list because I was calm I only wanted Riven to be same.

Second, try to listen to them. Listen, huh? How can i get Riven to open up?

In a bid to try and follow the guidelines, I sat listening to angry swishes and swooshes of pebbles and stones against the flowing water. It was kind of relaxing in a way.

He took out his headphones and started blaring songs. Music, it's a good factor that helps in relaxation and in this situation, anger.

"Do you ever dream of being normal?" I asked him.

At first, it seemed like he wasn't gonna to respond nor did he give up the vibe that he had heard me but surprisingly, he took off his headphones, set them down and replied "yeah, I've always wondered what it would be like if I was just Riven, not Riven Kravis, Jack kravis'son. It's exhausting sometimes. People think that just because we're rich we have it easy, in a way we have it a little bit easy but try being in the public eye. Being an object of discrimination being subjected to all manner of criticism. You have no privacy when you're famous. Your whole business is just one read or click away. Just one wrong move and everything blows out of proportion. People tell you what to do and what not to do. They forget that we're humans too and therefore we are prone to mistakes. We have emotions too, that's  how it's supposed to be; no one is perfect".

I regarded him with a new light. It was true that rich people were picked on and criticized for everything thing they did. People felt they should know better being the celebrities that they are. They try to create this perfect image of them in their heads, one the media has created thus, when it doesn't go in line with their idea of what they should be, they turn against them forgetting that at the end of the day, its their life and they have no right to meddle.

"I've always wished to be a celebrity, to have the type of lavish life you grew up in", I admitted.

"Well how'd you find it, pleasant?" He asked me

"No, not at all" I paused and asked again "Were they always like that?".

"No they weren't. When we were still feeding from hand to mouth they were the best and the most supportive parents. It all changed when my dad became famous. A trickle of power and he was already drunk from it. He roped my mom into that kind of life and she hasn't been able to see clearly ever since".

"Guess that's what power does to you, it intoxicates you." I said feeling so much wiser.

"Would you mind if everything was taken away from you then?" I inquired my curiosity getting the better of me.

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