Chapter 10

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Day 3 -The Funeral.
Funerals have never really been my thing. I have never attended one and honestly, I've never felt the need to.
This was different though. It was Annabel's mothers funeral. According to her fathers wishes, his wife was buried next to him at the local cemetery. Every bill was footed by the family of the man who ran down Annabel's mother.

I know about plot twists but this one, I didn't see coming. The man who hit Annabel turned out to be her father. Her real,father. Funny huh? I know, I felt the same way too.
It was almost as if I had walked into a telenovela and this was episode 10 season 1 of 'you never saw this coming'. Just grab a bag of popcorn cause this has a lot of climax and anti climax.


Annabel's supposed father and grandmother knocked on the door to her house. They were the Jeffersons. Apparently Annabel wasn't expecting to see them. You could tell from her expression but nevertheless,she ushered them in and offered them seats. And she asked.
"How did you get my address? And to what do I owe this lovely surprise? Not that I don't want you here, I'm just surprised."

Mr Jefferson cleared his throat
"I got your address from the hospital and I'm here because I have something to tell you. I know this might come as a shock to you, it came as a shock to me too but, you're my daughter".

A pin dropping could have been louder than the silence in the room.
I admit, the man didn't know how to put things. I mean, how can you just blurt that kind of thing out? Did he expect her to jump into his arms? I don't think so.

Annabel couldn't talk at first she just looked dumbfounded but when she did her first words were.
"Would you like a cup of coffee?"
Huh a cup of coffee? Was the girl mad? They had just dropped a bombshell on her and she asked if they wanted coffee? Strange girl!

They all politely refused and she nodded and stood up into the kitchen. "Well if you don't need one I do".

After 3 minutes she came back into the living room took a sip of it then placed it on coffee table. She looked at Mr Jefferson and asked
"Now what did you say I was again?"
Mr and Mrs Jefferson exchange looks and his mom spoke up this time around.
"Now Annabel I know this might be a lot for you to take in but it it's true he's your father."

"May I ask how?" She asked the question that even I as a ghost was curious about. Just how? Well we were about to find out.

Clearing his throat he began.
"Your mother Myda had you, when she was 17 and I was just a year older. We were fresh out of high school,but I had already gained entrance into the community college. We dated for 8 months before she became pregnant. At first, she kept it from me for a month. I found the pregnancy test results by accident when I was looking for the tweezers in a drawer one time.

I confronted her about it and she broke down in tears telling me about how sorry she was, how she didn't think she could keep you and wanted to abort you because her parents were on her neck about doing so, or they would disown her. I told her it was fine and we could raise you on our own. I had gotten into college but I could drop out or just work while in school to provide for us. I had never been sure about anything in my life but one thing I was sure of was that I was going to keep you.

Myda, moved in with me. We did everything together. I went to ultrasounds scans with her. Worked out with her. Bought baby stuff for you, learnt how to get a car seat installed. I even traded my pick up truck for a raggedy old car that could contain you best.

Turns out she had other plans immediately you were born, I was there. You were such a bundle of joy, I even cried when I held you in my arms. You had a birthmark behind your left ear and a little one just below your mouth I loved that one most. After a week of bliss, she gave you out without telling me. Her parents told her that was the only way for them to take her back.

When I found out, I was beyond enraged. I forced her to tell me where you were but she didn't tell me anything. I searched everywhere for you. Every single orphanage home but not one had you. I searched for 6 years and then I gave up. When I woke up and saw you at the hospital, I felt a strong connection to you but when you turned and I saw a birthmark behind your ears and one by your mouth I just knew, you were the one. I was so overjoyed,that I wanted to tell you right there and then but I'm sure you hated me. So, I stood back a little and waited for the right time to tell you. I'm so sorry Annabel, please forgive me. Papa is sorry if I could turn back hands of time and correct my mistakes I would. I really would. I love you and want you to please consider me if not as your father then as your friend and not an enemy.

Annabel was, I don't know I'm not her but she looked confused, hurt and angry all at once. She opened her mouth at first but nothing came out. She tried again and this time she said
"Get out!". Get out, even I was confused I mean this man was her father that meant she wouldn't have to be alone but she was asking him to get out? Wow! The drama was getting real intense.

Mr Jefferson looked confused and hurt too, I mean I couldn't blame him. He tried talking but Annabel cut him off by holding her hands in the air.

"You come here, to deliver this sad sob speech about how you being my father and you didn't mean to abandon me and you expect me to believe that? All my life, I have been praying and hoping that I would see my real parents so that I could ask them what I did so wrong, that I would be abandoned by them. I gave up on that. You know why, because I have beautiful and loving parents and one's in the grave because of you. You think I would be thrilled that the man who killed my mother is my father? To find out this way? No! I refuse to believe this".

She walked right up to the door, opened it and held out her arm towards it. She bit back tears and looked directly at them and said.
"I don't need you, I don't need anyone! You've delivered your sob story so could you kindly leave? I have a lot to do. Tomorrow is my mother's funeral and I have to get some rest".

Mr and Mrs Jefferson stood up and slowly walked out Mr Jefferson first looking all beat up and then his mother. Before walking out, she whispered to Annabel.
"He really did love you Annabel and he has been miserable ever since, please give him a chance". She tapped her on her shoulders and left.

Annabel walked over to the couch and sat down. I walked up to her sat also. She looked at me and started sobbing. 'there, there, Annabel let it all out' I told her. She sniffed and asked.
"Why did it have to be him?"

"Annabel, we don't get to choose our parents neither do parents get to choose their children. But in a way, he chose you. He was willing to drop out of college for you. He looked for you for six years. Even you didn't look for him that long".
She gave me a nasty look. "Ok,ok I'm just saying. He's tried a lot okay, he really wanted you. He may have accidentally run down your mother but he owned up to it and is even paying for her funeral. How many people do that? He's here begging for you to forgive him and take him back. He didn't see you and ignore you. He's risking everything to get you back but you brushed his effort. I'm not saying you don't have the right to. You do have every right but please consider him and don't do anything rash.

Annabel sniffed a lot wiped her eyes with her handkerchief and whispered.
"I'm scared,what if he leaves me just like everyone did?"

"He won't leave you" I answered " he came back for you, he's here to right his wrongs. Give him the chance to. Your father wanted you to let things go and be be happy. So why are you letting yourself not be happy? Put your hands over your heart and listen to it. You're all alone you need someone to love you and help you. You want to give him a chance so please do. Don't let your head cloud your judgement. Like he said you don't need to think of him as your father. We all know you already have one. God rest his soul, but think of him as a friend and not an enemy. He deserves that much. Promise me you will think about it. You both have already suffered enough. It's time for you to enjoy, be happy, you need this".

She nodded, promised to think about it and went upstairs to sleep. She really was gonna need that sleep because tomorrow was her mother's funeral and my last day here. The day that I would find out if I disappear or move on to the next stage. Now, I wish I could sleep to avoid thinking but I couldn't so I opted for what gave me a little peace. Reading! I followed Annabel into her room, she was fast asleep wow! How'd she fall asleep so fast? Well I was happy regardless. I picked up "it ends with us" by Coleen Hoover. I lay on the ground read into the morning one where my fate would be decided.

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