Chapter Forty-Three: Finale

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"I'm on it!" Ginger yelled, quickly flying over them and spinning in a circle, creating a vortex with her wings.

"Keep doing that!" Toola shouted as she sliced through bodies to reach her future sisters. Once close enough, she used her staff to release a flame. With Ginger's wind the flame grew. Just in time, Bora threw an arm out to place a protective charm around Na-Rae and Mila.

The fire dissipated majority of the bodies in their way. Toola quickly gathered them, looking them over.

"I'm fine!" Mila shouted running back into the fight, Na-Rae hadn't even waited before she ran back into as well.

Toola grinned, "Oh I love them." She chuckled before turning around to take down more demons.


You had been blasted against, stabbed, and even punched a few times. Your view of Winter was long gone. But in your soul that nothing bad of your best friend had occurred.

In a moment, you were running after Lisa, constantly throwing any power that you could at her before she stopped; turning around tiredly to face you, "Alright, Kata! You win! What else do you want huh?? You come into my life! Take my men! I have nothing left to give! You already have any power that you want, so you win!"

You didn't laugh, didn't smirk. No, your face didn't change as you'd come to a stop, a mere 8 feet separating the two of you.

"I want you dead. Can you give me that?" You questioned, "My hate for you runs so deep that I can't fathom a life where you are alive anymore. It's not about Jimin...not about you taking from my children—No....No it's about you Lisa...and the way that if you're alive, I know that you'll never stop—you're incapable of stopping. So again, can you give me that?"

Lisa stood dumbfounded, "Death? You're a goddess—"

"I'm so fucking sick of people saying that! I am not just a goddess or—or the Sins Wife! I am Kata, first and foremost and I want you fucking dead!" You shouted, throwing your arms forward and releasing a gust up wind so strong that it'd destroy anything in its wake.

Lisa flew backward, but you hadn't seen the large crater of darkness that she stood beside. Hadn't seen the way that her body flung, and swung. Smacking into the very fine knicks in the rocks. Hadn't even heard the way that her neck crack against a rock on the way down.

And even with seeing none of it, you knew she was gone. Knew she wasn't coming back. Yet still, your heart wasn't full, you didn't feel better. Winter had come to stand beside you, her wings bloodied, her face scraped up.

Gently she wrapped her arms around you as she watched you glare at the empty space.

"Where is she?" You simply asked

Winter waved her hand and intricate pieces of Sasha appeared in front of you. Nodding your head, you pointed toward the edge and Winter flung her hand, watching Sasha's body fall to the depths.

"Let's go to the girls." You said and Winter obliged. Wrapping the both of you in her wings before you'd vanished.


"What the...." Kwang muttered as he stood, circling slowly as he realized his surroundings.

"See, I knew all I had to do—was—was get you here and now we can be happy and we don't even have to leave. Don't you see Kwangie? Mm? Don't you see the way that we're meant to be?"

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