Chapter Forty-Two

154 13 2

Recommend listening; Hero—Skillet

In the turmoil, Lisa and Sasha had run, without thought Winter and You ran after them.

Ginger emerged from the crowd of demons, summoning a large, white scythe. Blood splattered against her face as she bombarded the crowds, slicing through them.

Bora summoned two large, white blades.  Her gown drenched in the lives of others. She'd flown into the air and began throwing them and calling for their return to release them again.

Na-Rae had used her astral projection and sent several version of herself around the arena. Disappearing into clouds of pink smoke as she used her power of lust to cause the demons to fight each other for her.

Mila had released her inner demon, a feral, gigantic orange pig ran rampant around the arena. She used her power of gravity to throw demons directly into its path.

Mila being so focused in her own damages hadn't seen a demon appear in the air beside her. The demon jumped onto her back, dragging her down to the ground.

In seconds she was overcome by a multitude of demons, disappearing from everyone's view.

"I've lost eyes on Mila!" Bora shouted

Na-Rae growled as she tried to reach her sister. But right before she could grab her, another round of demons appears, circling Na-Rae as well.


You'd back them into a corner. They stood tall, as though they had wanted you two away from the large fight to begin with.

"Ya know," Lisa said, her eyes gleaming a mixture of purple, red, and orange, "Lucifer isn't the only one whose been drinking."

"Funny..." you say, closing your eyes only to open them mere seconds later, "I never had to drink a thing." You say, eyes gleaming in that of a rainbow.

Lisa growled before launching from the ground and tackling you.

Sasha immediately tried to join but Winter shot a light beam at her, causing her to fly through a building.

"Nuh uh," she said, "No one jumps my best friend. You're mine!"

Sasha smirks as she goes to stand, "Bring it, bitch."


Hyun was currently on standby, using his healing power to keep his brothers going.

They were winning, six against one? How could they not. Just as they thought that they'd subdued him, Sebastian began laughing darkly.

He opened his eyes, them beaming a psychotic red color with orange flickers.

In a second they were forcefully blown back. Hitting themselves into the walls or ceilings.

Hyun watched as seven more Sebastian's appeared, he could sense the power that they all possessed.

"Awe fuck man!" Hyun said tiredly as one charged toward him.

"No!" He shouted, "I need an opening! Get me some water!" He shouted,

"I got it!" Mingi shouted, using X-ray vision to find a water pipe. Before he could break it, he was knocked to the ground. A version of Sebastian had thrown a Mark II fire ball at him. Something that even Mingi was oblivious to.

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