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* EVA *

It's been a month since he came back. After that dinner night, Sarah and Sam started pushing me towards him. I knew from the beginning that something was fishy.

From,that day I caught him so many times watching me. No matter if I was going out or staying in I saw him standing outside my home from my window.

Every time, when I come back home from outside, I get a parcel with which I find a flower bouquet with it. It was no one but Aidan.

One day when I was in a bad mood, I didn't know how but he might have found out about that. Because a few minutes later, I got a special gift from him.

Aidan sent me a romance book with a bouquet full of flowers. It made me so happy that I literally started jumping in front of my door when I saw him standing across the path, smiling at my happiness.

Aidan is really trying hard to gain my trust again.Maybe I also want to forgive him?

Now, he is standing outside of my house facing towards my window for a chance if he could see me. And me sneaking a peak at his direction with a smile on my lips.

I know he won't give up, maybe I don't want him to too.

You're being stubborn. You should forgive him by now.

I am not stubborn. Don't you understand that even if I forgive him I can't trust him like before. Don't you remember the words he said that day?

" She is just a toy I played with. There's nothing between us. "

But, still I want to trust him for one more time because a part of me is telling me to give him a chance to explain.

Yes. We should give him another chance. Everytime What we see is not necessarily true.

I did what my heart told me. I took a deep breath,ran to downstairs, opened the front door and closed behind me. I looked up and there he was shocked again.

I think I am giving him a lot of shocks recently.

His face lit up and started beaming like the one who goes relaxed after finishing the exam.

See. He is so adorable.

I came closer to him but not that much.

"Even if you have waited me for a decade. I would have been waiting for you till my last breath Angel."

"I wanna give you another chance. But it will not be the same as before." I told him with honesty.

"I know Angel. After what I did, I wasn't expecting you to forgive me like this. I was only hoping that if only I could get the chance to tell you the truth."

"Aidan. Don't lie to me again."

"I will never. I promise. And this time it's a real one."

"Then please tell me the truth Aidan."


* Three years ago:

*Aidan's Pov:

I am breaking her.

The moment I saw her and Sarah blindfolded, hands tied to the back my anger grew up with waves of fears.

I will kill everyone here if anyone dares to harm her in any way.

The man who took her here, opened the blindfold from her eyes and the first thing she saw was my eyes.

There's only one way to save her for now and that is lies.

So, I tried to lie to Victor that I never loved her, not for once. I played with her because she was like a toy. I had to lie just to make Victor believe in my words.

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