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The moment I saw those tears in her eyes,my heart cracked into a million pieces with a reflection of the past moment the last time I made her cry.

Me. The man who promised her, he will never left her side. The man who showed her so many dreams that even he was dying to spend his whole life only with her.

Sarah called me the day after I met Eva. It wasn't shocking for me because I thought she will warn me to not come closer to her best friend or break her heart. But she surprised me by her reason.

"I knew that time that you were hiding something from Eva."


" Don't ask what? Ask how?"

"Sarah! Will you please tell me what you are saying?"

"The type of person you were used to be before you met Eva and the person you became after met her was full of changes."

I was listening carefully.

She spoke again "She had changed you in a way you never thought you could be changed. That day when Eva and I were just about to leave I told her that I had forgotten something inside. When the truth was that I wanted to give you a hard slap from her side."

"So did you really come inside again that day?"

"Obviously I did. Tell me one thing, who do you think broke that vase that day?"

Realisation hit me and I remembered the sound of the break vase.

"I am taking your silence as a yes then."

"Yeah I remember now."

Sarah explained everything to me. While I was listening like a dumb.

After the story she started speaking again-

"I knew from the very first time that you will come back to her because you can't stay away from Eva. But the question is why did it take you so long?"

I gulped by her understanding. I never knew Sarah could be this much-

"Are you there?"

"Yeah. I- I got some work to it took this long to realize I can't stay any longer away from her."

"Uh-huh. Ok then let me be by your side. I want you to try again and again to make Eva forgive you."

"Did you really like me as a person before?"

"Of course I did. I could have told Eva that time about your real motive behind that. But I thought if you didn't want her to know then I shouldn't also tell her. So,I decided to give you the chance to explain everything to Eva. I always knew you were going to come back one day."

"Thank you Sarah. For understanding my situation."

"Aidan! Please don't let her go this time."

"I won't ever let her go again."


*Three years ago:

Patrick came this morning with news I wasn't prepared for.

I was in my study dealing with some business papers, when he rushed towards me.

"What happened? What's the meaning of this?"

He took a deep breath then said "It's about Victor Evander. He came out of the jail yesterday."

The blood in my veins rushed up to a high level. I was shocked but also angry.

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