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* EVA *

Stay strong. Don't show any emotions to him whether he cares or not.

Right. I have to be strong. I can't fall for his charm once again after what he did to me.

"Hey beautiful." I gasped by the voice. Sam's voice came from behind, waking me up with my thoughts. He was looking at me with concern.

"What happened? Why did you get shocked? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Um- I was looking at this painting. Isn't it fascinating?"

Sam has no idea about my past. No one knows except Sarah.

"Um- Samy can we go to the meeting now?"

"I am afraid we have to wait a little longer because the one I have my meeting with is not here yet. I was trying to call him but it switched off. Perhaps his phone battery got low."

"Ok! No problem. Let him come here."

Everyday we get a chance to learn something new. Even if I don't have any interest in business, I want to know how it works. Now, it's up to you whether you take it or miss it.

The manager came after a few minutes and told Sam about something, I couldn't hear.

There was so much tension running inside me and my heart was like beating so fast that it felt like I am going to die at this very moment.

Sam turned to me and said "Eva darling! Let's go to the meeting." He took my hand and lead me towards the meeting room.

The manager opened the door to the room for us.

The moment we entered the room, all my emotions mixed up.

What is he..? Why? Is he the one Sam is having a meeting with? When did came back from California?

Aidan Evander. The man as tall as like a tower, have a cold and calm face which don't show anyone emotions. A man so gorgeous and so attractive that any women will gave herself to him. The man who once claimed me to be his forever and now became a stranger again.

His eyes met mine and suddenly a thunder passed through my veins. He was looking at me like he just found his life back.

Huh? Wow... How can he act so well?

A smile formed on his face and gone at the very moment. I followed his gaze and found that he was staring at Sam, who was standing beside me, one of his hand on my waist.

I break the eye contact and didn't realize that Sam was holding me from falling. He might have noticed my changed of emotions. I was trembling.

He hold my arms and turned me towards him "Don't be nervous Eva. I am here with you. It's okay." He whispered in my ears and patted my head to make me calm down.

I nodded and turned back only to found Aidan was gazing at Sam like he did something illegal. I know what that look means.

Aidan is jealous.


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