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* EVA *

*Present time:

The Francis family came back a week ago. Our moms have come together after a long time so there's no end to their gossip. While on the other hand the Dads enjoy their golf match.

Sam requested me to attend an art exhibition with him as he didn't have anyone else to go with. He also said he has a meeting there so it will be good if I join too.

I hesitated first but he said I will learn about new things.

Sam is calm and polite and also very friendly but there's a hidden personality in him. When we were kids he was equal to my height but now he is as tall as a tree. And yeah, he also became handsome as mom said before.

The hidden personality is 'The master of flirting'.

Only with me and sometimes with Sarah.

"You have become very quiet, you know."
Sam said snapping me out of my thoughts.


I don't know why but I am feeling very restless today as if something is going to happen for which I am not ready at all.

My heart is beating so fast that it feels like it's going to come out of my chest.

I showed a tiny smile before saying again "nothing like that, I just have a little headache."

"Then should we go back home? You don't have to come with me if you are not feeling well."

" Oh no, no. I am totally fine it's just a headache, it will be gone after a few minutes."

"Then can I tell you a joke? I am sure your headache will be gone after listening to my jokes." He said turning to me.

"It's a pleasure to listen to a joke from The Great Sam Francis. How could I miss the chance." I said dramatically with a smile so generous that for a minute I forgot that danger feeling coming towards me.

Well, he stopped my headache with his jokes and those were all good.

We went into the place where the exhibition was held and found that there weren't many people present.

Sam reached out to me and gestured across the place with one hand.

I was already feeling distressed and here I don't know why? But my heart is getting restless.

Suddenly I felt someone rubbing his hand on my back. I took a deep breath in and let it out, trying to calm my heart rate which kept getting fast.

"Yeah. Breath- breath... It's okay, you are okay Eva. I am here for you." Sam comforted me while he continued rubbing my back.

"T-thank you Sammy. I am good now. Sorry to-"

He took both of my hands and squeezed them gently, cutting me off of my words "never say that again. You have no idea how much I got scared by seeing you in pain."

"You haven't changed a bit, you are still the same as before, when we were kids. Very overprotective."

"Yeah, maybe I am but in your case I can't just ignore it. Please don't stop me from taking care of you."

Has something changed between us? It's not right, because in the end he will be heartbroken by me. I don't want to break my most close friend's heart. I have to ask him what does he think about us-

"Hey! I know what you are thinking but trust me I said that because I really care for you Eva. And I mean it all." He interrupted me and continue to speak again "our parents wants us to date and all but trust me I don't want our friendship to break for my mistakes.

That is it. Uff...

I didn't find any better reply so instead I said " Thank you."

He exchanged a smile to me and we headed towards the arts.

"But that doesn't mean I can't flirt with you. It's my right to flirt with my best friend so you can't deny my approval."

"God! How could I stop you from flirting with me when you can't live without doing so."

After a while, the manager came to Sam asked him to go with him to discuss about the meeting things. Sam told me to look around till he come.

I go to the middle of the room and found an art so fascinating, I couldn't look away from it, but I also got caught by someone that instead of that painting I looked to the person who just passed through me. Then I saw him.

I-it can't be real. It have to be a dream. I think I am imagining things.

" Right, it's just my imagination, just my imagination." I kept repeating in my mind.

I got frozen in my place. I am not awake, maybe I am dreaming or maybe it's a nightmare.

No! No... no.. no... Someone please wake me up from this nightmare.

The universe is being so cruel to me. Why? Why the universe always bring us in such a situation from which we tried our best to go away? And why I am so afraid to be in this situation?

Because we tried to go away from the things we really want but for some reason we got afraid that they might hurt us in a way we can never heal.

The other part of me explained it. Maybe she is right, also I can't just run away from this. I can't deny it anymore. It is real and he is also real.

He is here.

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The Look Of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora