Time and Time Again

Start from the beginning

"Wow." answered Griffin a few seconds later as he tried(and failed)to wrap his head around all this new information about the future. "Yep. That's my life." said Nick dryly before the three of them just kinda stood there awkwardly. "Look, Nick, I hate to break this up, but we need to get back to 2020 before our families start getting suspicious. But I promise you we'll do everything in our power to fix the future. Is there anything else you can tell us about whatever happened here?" asked Harper curiously, wanting to make sure she and Griffin had all the information they could. "Unfortunately, no. It might make things worse for me here than they already are. But what I can tell you is this:Make sure you check out the springs and that they don't start to stink like all the gunk here. You guys seem to think that whatever happened was because of the crystal energy in the springs. Good luck to you both. It was nice seeing you." said Nick happily as he suddenly pulled Griffin and Harper in for a big hug, which took them both by surprise.

"Oh, sorry. It's been a while since I've gotten a hug from either of you." said Nick quietly after he pulled away. "It's fine, Nick. It was nice seeing you too." said Griffin contently as he and Harper waved goodbye to Nick before they quickly walked back to the hatch and back to 2020, both their minds racing in a million different directions as the reality of what just happened here in 2054 started to set in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next day, after Sarah had been discharged from the hospital, Griffin and Harper were out by the springs, trying to find any clues based off the information Nick gave them. "Okay, so just to recap:We followed our son into the future, found out that, somehow, the springs went to shit, you had a break from reality and I became an abusive jerk to our son. Our future never seems to look bright for very long, does it?" asked Griffin dryly as he and Harper continued to stand around in the springs for what was starting to seem like a waste of time to Griffin since they seemed fine right now. "Nope. But as long as we have each other, I'm pretty sure we could make it through any future together, good or bad." said Harper, doing her best to reassure Griffin. "I just wish Nick was able to give us a bit more--" began Harper before she felt everything around her get fuzzy and started to concentrate on the vision.

A rumbling sound, similar to the one from last night, could be heard as the pipes of The Tremont started to rattle and all the windows started to crack all at once. And standing in the center of the parlor were Griffin, Savannah and another boy who she didn't recognize right as all the windows cracked and all the pipes burst simultaneously, causing black gunk to fly all over the place.

"Harper, what's wrong?" asked Griffin suddenly, causing Harper to lose her footing and fall into the springs. "I-it was a vision." said Harper as she stood back up and tried to catch her breath, having trouble doing so because of how cold she was after falling into the springs. "A vision? A vision of what?" asked Griffin worriedly. "It was of you. You, Savannah and another boy who I didn't recognize. You were standing in the parlor and all the windows had cracked and the pipes had burst, making more of that black gunk fly all over the place." said Harper, both worried and confused as she and Griffin started to walk back to The Tremont so she could change her clothes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Something tells me that has to be related to what Nick told us last night." said Griffin, making a mental note of Harper's vision, as they sat on his bed after Harper changed her clothes. "And that we'll probably get more answers in 1962." "No, Griffin. We can't go back there. The springs aren't gonna get messed up until far off in the future. I highly doubt that we'll get more answers in 1962." said Harper firmly as she shook her head "no". "Alright, fine. Whatever you say. But I'm still convinced that whatever happens to the springs in the future is somehow connected to something that happened in 1962. I mean, your vision can't be a coincidence." said Griffin, now pointing out the very obvious.

"True. But I still don't want you going back there. We really don't need a repeat of when you ran off to 2024, even if we do have a crystal in the radio again. I'm just not willing to risk it." said Harper worriedly as she pulled Griffin in for a gentle side hug. "Okay, okay. For you, I'll stay." said Griffin before he remembered another detail about her vision. "Wait, you said there were three people in your vision. Me, Savannah and another boy. Any idea who that might've been?" asked Griffin curiously. Harper just shook her head. "Nope. But if I had to guess, it was probably just one of her friends." Griffin just shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, probably. But, either way, we still need to figure out what caused the springs to get so screwy. For Nick's sake. No matter how awkward it might be." said Griffin simply as Topher walked into his bedroom. "No matter how awkward what might be?" asked Topher curiously as he stood in the doorway looked between Griffin and Harper, trying to figure out if they were hiding something.

"Nothing. He was just talking about a project for science class. What do you want, Topher?" asked Harper, now annoyed. "Mom just wanted me to come get you since it's time to go home for the night." answered Topher simply. "Oh, okay. I'll be right out." said Harper before she turned to hug Griffin goodbye. "See you tomorrow, Griffin. Promise me you won't start doing research for that project without me?" asked Harper subtly since Topher was still standing there in the doorway. "I promise. Scout's honor." said Griffin dramatically as he raised in right hand in the air to show Harper he would keep her promise. "Good. See you tomorrow." called Harper as she and Topher left his room and went down the stairs before they got in their car with Jess and drove off for their house. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------However, later that night, close to 11pm, Griffin just couldn't take it anymore. He loved Harper like crazy and he would do anything for her. But, he just couldn't sit around when there could be a big clue to their mystery about the springs in 1962, despite her insistence there wasn't. Sighing deeply, he quietly got up, slipped out of his pajamas and got his clothes from that day back on and quickly snuck down to the bunker and set the radio to 1962 and went through the hatch, completely unaware of the little bits of black gunk and sparks that were spewing out of the crystal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Really hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. And in case y'all couldn't tell, this one-shot was basically just one giant escalator pitch for the first episode of s4. Now, of course, I understand that this probably won't actually happen in s4, but hey, a guy can dream, can't he? Anyways, don't forget to leave any theories you might have for s4 down below and I'll catch y'all on the flipside. Ciao 4 now!!! <3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now