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I M P R I S O N    H I M

THE DIMMED lights of the corridor filled my vision while I walk and look at the passing doors one by one. My heart beat race thinking of the possible cruel ways he had under his sleeves again. But whatever it is, I should be ready to twist his own words and make him follow me. It's indeed a dangerous game I'm playing but I need to.

Reaching the end of the hallway I finally found the familiar grey steel door. I twist it open and I enter and was greeted by a dimly lit room with a large wooden table and two sets of chairs around it. At the end of the table, where my good old friend sat.

"You are late. But atleast you decided to stop by and have a chat with me." He said and push the chair beside him using his foot and signalled for me to sit. I sigh and went to sit on the chair and look at him annoyingly.

"What is it again?" I asked rudely. This facade of rudeness and unbothered expression is my gateway to the truth. Acting all nice and obedient will only raise his suspicion against me. It should be balance between submission and disobedience to make him believe that I'm with him.

"You wouldn't believe this. One of my men said that they once spotted that 'insane Leone' in the back of the hospital. They tried catching him but he got inside too quickly." He said with a scowl. My breath hitched and I held my gaze on the empty box sitting on the corner of the room. "Perhaps the hospital's security is not enough. I don't know how or since when that Leone has been sneaking out but I don't want to waste my time on that instead..."

"We can always put Blade on the maximum security room." I suggested. My eyes found his, I kept my face emotionless while I waited for his reply. 

"No. He might get suspicious on why he'll be put on tighter security. " He said and leaned his back on the chair. "I own a small house located in Mindanao. It's on a small isolated island with poor life and barely have technologies. It would be perfect to bring him there instead. Then, when the paperworks are finally finished we could finally dispose him!" He laughed causing an echo all around the room. I sigh in irritation.

"What's the point on putting him in a 'house' when what he needs is a damn hospital with great security." I argued.

"First, don't the mental hospital of yours have an unusual ways of treatment. It's stated on the hospital data information that some patients are allowed to be out of the hospital building but they will be kept inside the hospital's property whether it's an apartment, hotel, or house and they can continue their treatment in there. I think you guys call it as "Personal Outside Treatment"

Second,  one of my men can act as his nurse for the meantime and stay with him on the island to keep an eye on him. And third, why don't we just kill him. Seriously, we can always forged the documents you know." He said growing impatient.

"The first one is correct. The second one is where I disagree. And the third nonsense is risky. If you want to spend your whole life in jail then do the third one." I scoff and he scowled at me.

"Nobody will know—"

"Bullshit. It's Seńora Flores' attorney that we will deceive if we do that. We don't have what it takes to fool the Tiger in court." I said firmly.

"I guess you have a point. We can't do something about the documents. But what can we do instead? Jason is useless even if he's the one temporarily taking place at the company. And it's taking so much time for the investigator to set a session with that Leone." He sigh and his eyebrows tensed.

The documents is understandable and hopefully it would take a year or so but I know it's not possible. Jason is luckily a good guy not filled with greed and revenge. And the investigator? I never heard of this why would Blade need a session with an investigator?

"Wait a minute. Why would Blade get a session with the Investigator? Isn't the case closed already?" I said failing to hide the accusation tone from voice.  For a second I think I just saw him stilled. But he quickly recovers and sat properly.

"The case is closed yet I heard the investigator want to get some minor information about Seńora Flores and they could only get it from that Leone since he was her closest relative." He said.

Minor information huh? He's indeed terrible at making up lies. I ponder for a moment weighing if I should ask the question that's bothering me for a few months already.

"When Seńora died, the case closed without even a week after her death. Why is that so? It was never publicized on how and why she died." I asked calmly as I analyze his face.

"That, I do not know. When she died I just simply took the opportunity to bring that Leone on this hospital then I take back what's rightfully mine. If you're wondering on how Señora Flores died then ask the attorney or probably Jason knows too." He explained with a smirk.

Opportunity? I don't believe the opportunity was brought up by fate but rather he brought it up to himself. There is so much information missing and not adding up. Almost half of the puzzle pieces is missing and it's getting harder to find it. He's a terrible liar yet he's still careful with his words. I still can't find solid evidence that would point at him. I'm sure he has something to do with Señora's death but he is being secretive about that topic with me. He doesn't trust me to that extent after what happened before.

I need to improvise and change of plans.
If I can't get the information from him, then I will get the information from Blade instead. He's unstable but I need to try. And I know the perfect one for the job.

"Now if you're done lowkey accusing me of the old woman's death maybe we could move on to the topic about the Personal Outside Treatment?" He said with a playful glint on his eyes. I chuckled unsure if he knew or he was just joking.

"Sure about the house we should go on with the hospital's property instead. Located somewhere deep in the forest. Therefore, no people surrounded the house and no visible path roads too. And I can also track Blade's actions if he was to put there." I said trying to convince him.

The house was actually owned by Mr. Rossi the mental hospital's owner. He used to live there almost a year ago but he moved out. Someone made him do it because of his delirium during his stay in that house. I once went to meet him there last year for hospital matters but he was... He was quite unstable that time and not in the right state of mind. Since then I never went there again because Joe ordered me to not meddle with Mr. Rossi's life. Joe was one of the two security guards of that house.

"That sounds like a great idea... I'll choose that one because it's more logical and safer." He agreed after thinking about it for a few seconds. I internally smirk on how easy it has been for him to follow the way I want.

"He'll be put there by the next two weeks. Wait for my update so disappear while waiting for my message." I said. I really want him to just disappear while I find Joe the body guard to inform him that I will use that property for the meantime.

"I'll see ya soon then." He stood up and walk to me. He then tapped my shoulder. "You're such a good friend." He leaned in to my ears and whispered. My eyes met his dark green ones and I felt  goosebumps form on my arm and he gave me a smirk. He exited the room and I was left there re-thinking my decisions and whether if I really know him like how I thought I do.


I'm back once again! Natambakan kami ng projects dahil nagkuhanan ng card ulit. I just wanna say so far I'm proud of myself since I'm still top 2🥈🎉 (im not so sure about for this 4th quarter 😞)

But anyways! Since medjo tapos ko na mga tinambak na activities ay I'm feeling motivated to write again and here it is😊

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