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I was walking through the long corridors of the palace. Y/n was running after me begging me not to do anything stupid. She threw away her high heels a long time ago and now her bare feet are running after me.

"You cannot do that, Gojo!", she repeated a couple times, but I didn't want to hear it at all, "you cannot kill my father! Not alone!".

"I'll either succeed, or dying trying", I said and I stood in the middle of the corridor without turning back to her.

"Don't be ridiculous!", y/n stops to and moves in front of me, so we can finally face one another, "Don't do anything you might regret!".

"Look, I don't care, if I'm alone, or not. I won't allow those kids to die! Not while I'm alive!".

"I know! I don't want them to die either, but I don't want you to lose your life, because you are trying to protect them".

I tried to push her gently out of my way, cause I wasn't feeling like arguing with her anymore, but y/n didn't want to drop the topic. She got mad, when I tried to push her, so she lifted up her dress a little bit and before I knew it she kicked me so hard, that she slammed me right on the wall next to me.

I shook my head, cause it was hurting from the hit and y/n came up to me. She placed her feet on my Adam's apple and held me against the wall like that. I was impressed and scared at the same time. And so, so proud.

"Are you ready to listen, or do you want to continue to be stubborn?", she asked me.

"I'm all ears", I told her and smirked.

"Let me help you out with this. Let's figure it out together, so you won't lose your life on the way, okay?", y/n suggested, "once I become Queen, I'll put an end to this war!".

"You have a long path to walk until you become Queen, my lady. I don't have that much time".

"Then let me help you in other ways!".

"I'm afraid there's nothing you can do, my lady, I have to figure this on my own".

I held her leg and lifted it up, then pushed it away from my throat. Y/n steps back on it and watches me as I was getting up.

"I promise you, I can help!", she continued.

"You can help by keeping my secret for now, but I won't let you get involved in the war!", I explained to her once again.

She looked at me with anger in her eyes, then she crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows at me. "You think I'm weak, don't you?", she asked.

"What? No!".

"You do! Because, if you thought I was strong enough to fight along side you, you would've let me do it. But no, you think I'm weak".

"There's no such thing!".

But before I could explain to her once again, y/n ripped her dress to free her movements more and once again kicked me in the stomach. I fall on my knees and hold my stomach, cause it was hurting. She didn't even gave me a minute to stand up, she kicked me once again, but in the jaw this time sending me flying back.

I was laying on the ground. Blood coming from my mouth from her impressive kicks. Y/n came up to me once again and raised her leg ready to step on my stomach, but this time I decided to fight back. I rolled to the side right before she could kick me.

I stood up and took off my jacket, then I threw it to the side. Y/n was standing right in front of me with anger written all over her face. She made a spin and tried to kick me in the ribs, but I caught her leg and held it tightly under my arm. She started loosing balance for a split second, so I pulled her towards me by the leg and wrapped my arms around her.

She placed her leg around my hips and held me tight. My hands on her hips, her leg around me and our eyes locked with each other.

"I never thought of you so poorly, my lady", I spoke to her in a low and calm voice.

"Then let me help you", she said.

"Would you stop trying to break my skull, if I do?", I gave her a cocky smile.

"Maybe", she smiled too.

"Okay, fine", I finally gave up, "you can help me, if you want it that badly".

She smiled even more, placed her hand behind my neck and pulled me closer. Before I knew it her lips were pressed on mine. I was shocked by it at first, but then I gave up to the temptation and kissed her back.

I felt like there were sparks around us. I held her closer to me and she finally put her leg down. She tiptoed a little bit as we deepened the kiss and I picked her up by the hips and held her up. She wrapped both her legs this time around my waist and continued kissing me.

Not even a minute later she broke the kiss and looked straight into my eyes. Both of us smiled at each other and her hand slowly moved from my shoulder to my chest.

"Let's go some place else", she suggested, "you don't want my dad to find out you kissed me".

"Depends on what we'll do there", I teased her.

"Something that no other woman has given to you on your entire life", she winked at me.

"My lady", I chuckled, "what would your granny think, if she heard you right now?".

"That I'm bold enough to take what I want".

"Am I what you want?".

"Right now...yes".

I let her go and she took me by the hand, then she leads me to only God knows where. I was so happy at that moment, I can't express it even, if I tried.

If I had any doubts in the beginning of this night about my feelings, at that moment when she kissed me...they were all gone. I liked her too. A lot.


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