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Cedric finally made me a proper shirt. It was still pretty rough, but at least now I didn't have to hide my body the whole night. I still don't know why I agreed to this.

We had two hours till the night started and y/n left me to go and get prepared for the night. I was left standing there, outside under the night sky dressed in the nicest clothes I've ever wore and my hair was styled pretty nicely. I barely recognised myself to be honest.

I had a glass of whiskey in my hand. Alcohol was the only way of me getting ready for what was about to go down. I've never been to a ball, I don't know how to act around royalties and I think I proved that. I'm not good at dancing and I'm not good at charming rich fellas. All I know is how to hold a gun and how to throw bombs. I never learnt how to act properly.

"You look nervous, young man", an elderly lady dressed in a nice white kimono spoke to me, while sitting in the garden with cup of tea in her hands, "is there anything troubling you?".

"A lot of things actually...", I chuckled.

"Is it a woman? Or perhaps the double life style you are forced to live?", the old lady sipped off her cup slowly slurping her tea.

I turned to face her with surprise, "I don't know what you're talking about", I tried to hide it.

"Don't you lie to me, young man", she smiled at me and fixed her glasses, "I've seen many, many soldiers in my life. I know how you look".

I turn my back at her and finally relaxed my body. I guess you can't hide the truth forever, but the relief I felt to admit it was pretty nice.

"Are you going to report me to the Lord?", I asked her. She let out a loud laugh.

"Report you to the Lord?", she said, "I have no such intention, young man. Plus, you should not be scared of the Lord. You should be scared of his mother-the queen".

"I've never met her".

"You are wrong actually", she once again let out a chuckle, "you met her".

"Really?", I turn to face her.

"She's standing right in front of you".

My eyes widened, when I realised that I was in fact talking to the Queen of Boslivia. She stood up and walks up to me. I quickly fell on my knees in front of her and lowered my head, but she tapped my shoulder and made me get up.

"No need to get formal, son. You did not disrespected me in any way", she placed her hand on my shoulder for courage, "whatever is troubling you...I'm sure you can handle it. I mean, you escaped the war. There's nothing scarier than escaping death".

"And you don't think I'm a traitor?", I asked.

"Maybe I do, but who am I to judge you? I am just an old lady that does not know your whole story, or your reasoning. Maybe you had your own reasons to run away".

"I did...", I looked down.

"Then stop looking for other people's approval and start doing what you think is right", she smiled at me, "and if you like my granddaughter then go for it".

"Your...granddaughter?! Oh no, no! Me and y/n are not like that. I am just a servant..and she is a noble".

"How sweet is that", the Queen smirked at me with a cocky smile, "so you don't think my girl is attractive enough for you?".

"I didn't say that".

"Then, what are you saying?".

Before I could say something the gates of the palace opened wide and y/n walked outside to reveal her dress. It was a long red dress that was very big. Her hair put in a elegant bun and gloves made out of cotton on her hands.

My heart stopped for a moment and I stood there just admiring her. Wow, that's what I thought at the moment. She was so beautiful with those beautiful jewellery pieces on her ears and neck.

I lost the ability to talk for a second and the Queen gave me an elbow in the ribs. I shook my head and made a step towards her. Y/n looks up at me. Her shiny e/c eyes were like two stars on the clear night sky. What is that feeling inside of me? Why did I get so excited all of a sudden? I thought to myself.

"You look lovely, dear", the Queen spoke first to y/n and held her hand, "as expected from such a beautiful and elegant child".

"Thank you, grandma", y/n bows to her.

"You really are beautiful", I spoke to her too, finally...after almost forgetting my alphabet.

"Thank you! You do too", y/n looks at me up and down, then smiled, "Cedric did such a good job with you tonight".

"Well, I'll leave the two love birds to have the lovely night they deserve", the Queen turns her back at us and waved her hand, "see you around, young man".

I simply nodded. The Queen continued her path to the palace and left me and y/n alone. I have to admit-I was nervous. Y/n turns to me and gave me her hand. I first stared at it like a complete moron, but then I remembered what she told me. So I took her hand in mine and I pressed a kiss on top of it.

"Wow, you finally learnt", she said.

"Isn't that what you wanted?",I asked.

"Usually it's what is expected from you, but it is nice to think that you're doing it for me".

"I have no desire of doing it for anyone else".

I said that, but after those words escaped my mouth I realised how it sounded. So I turn to face y/n and I saw how excited she got.

"I didn't mean it like that", I said.

"Sure you didn't", she nodded and moved her eyes away from mine, "of course you didn't".

"Did I upset you? I'm sorry".

"No", she pulled her hand away, "let's go. We shouldn't be late for your first ball".

"Yes...you're right".

I didn't know much about manners, but I knew I had to offer her my hand to lead her to the ball. But, when I gave her my hand, y/n just refused to take it. She started walking ahead of me without saying a word to me.

Did I said something wrong? I thought, while I was following her to the big gates leading to the ball hall, where the event was hosted. She walks in all by herself and I walk after her. All the guests were already there including Naoya, who was watching me carefully.

Everyone's eyes were staring at us, especially at me. I felt so nervous as I walked even further and my whole body got shivers. I got so many mixed signals from the guests. The women were staring at me, whispering and looking at me up and down, while the men were watching every move thinking 'who is this guy?'.

At that moment I realised something....

...balls aren't for me.


𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞| 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora