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My first day as a gardener under cover was over. The day slowly started to fade and the Sun was going down. A couple of dark clouds were hiding the beautiful sky until it started raining heavily.

I wiped away the sweat from my forehead and I looked up to the sky. A small smile appeared on my face, when I thought about my mates, who escaped with me. I wondered where are they now and what are they doing, are they okay, did the rest caught them? Are they in a better situation than me? I hope they are.

I started putting away all my gardening tools, when I suddenly heard laughter coming from the front gates. I turn around to see what was all the fuss about, when I saw Yuji and a couple of young kids walking back with smiles on their faces. They all looked so young and careless, so confused and had no idea what was ahead of them. A couple boys and two girls dressed in nursing uniforms. These days most of the women here are nurses. You can't help it, when it comes to the war.

Yuji's eyes immediately flew to me. His face was still so happy even after noticing me staring at them under the heavy rain. He stops and makes his way to me.

"Are you still here?", he asked me, "if you stay under the rain-you'll get sick. It's better, if you walk inside and hide for tonight".

"I'll be alright", I gave him a smile and I watch as the rest of the group lined up next to him to see me for the first time, "are you guys coming back from training today?".

"Yeah", Yuji nodded his head, "it was pretty intense today, but I feel great. My body is getting stronger each day".

"That's good. I'm happy for you".

"Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce you to the rest. The guy with the dark spiky hair is Megumi Fushiguro, the one, who looks shy is Yuta, the quiet one is Inumaki. Right next to him the girl with the glasses is Maki and her assistant Nobara Kugisaki. And the big guy over there is Todo", he pointed at everyone, "guys, this is the new guy Gojo".

"Hey", they all said at the same time.

"Hello, kids", I greeted them.

"Kids? Who are you calling a kid?", Nobara spoke to me and placed her hands on her hips, "I am probably more responsible than you at the age of 15".

Ah, she is a sassy little one, I thought to myself and I gave her a smile nodding my head. One thing I learnt from my mates in the army-you never argue with a woman! You just smile and nod, let them think they are right.

"Do you wanna come and join us for dinner?", Yuji asked me and pointed to behind him to the small house like building behind the castle.

"Yeah, sure", I gave them a smile, "but I have to put these in place, so I'll be there in a minute".

Yuji nodded with his head and turns his back at me followed by the rest of the kids. I smiled as I watched them giggle and joke with each other, while going in the house. Then, when they were out of my sight, I continued collecting the gardening tool to put them in place.

All of a sudden my body got shivers all the way from top to bottom. My senses were telling me that there was danger close to me. I started looking around, but the rain was blocking my view. I stood at one place and waited for my attacker to show himself.

A small crack behind me made me turn around so fast just in time to catch the hand, that tried to hit me from behind. I held it tightly and I squeezed it hard until my attacker lets out a sound of pain. And it sounded like a female. I let go off her hand and made a step back.

She stood in front of me with a mask on her face and a devilish smile appeared on her face. I stood there ready to kill her, if I had to, but then she removed her mask only to show the face of the princess.

"I knew it", she said to me, "you are a soldier, aren't you?", y/n asked me.

"Just because I know how to defend myself does not make me a soldier, your highness", I spoke back to her biting my tongue not to tell her how crazy she is to attack me. She almost lost a hand today.

"Then teach me how to fight", she said to me and placed her hands on her hips, "I need to know how to protect myself".

"I'm sure there's someone far more capable to teach you, your highness, I'm not the man you are looking for", I explained to her back got back to cleaning my tools.

"Please, Gojo, you have to help me", all of a sudden she grabbed my hand and pressed it closer to her cheek, "I feel like someone is trying to hurt me and I want to protect myself".

I rolled my eyes. Who would want to hurt a woman with so much power like Y/n Zenin. It makes no sense to me. Her father is known for killing everyone without a second thought.

"This is not a part of my job", I told her one last time hoping she'll give up her request.

"It is now", she spoke back to me, "I expect you to wait for her here tomorrow morning at 6am exactly. Or I will get you killed".

Before I could say anything more y/n turned her back at me and walked away. I let out a sigh and scratched the back of my head. What did I got myself into just now? I thought to myself and finally placed all the tools in their places to finish my first day at work.

On the next morning at 6 am exactly I was standing there waiting for the princess to show herself to me. I big yawn escaped my mouth and I lean against the railing that separated the two gardens with my arms crossed.

She's late, I thought to myself and I started to look around for her, I'm not waiting for her till forever. She better show herself soon, or I'm going back to work. I started tapping with my leg running out of patience, when I finally saw her walking up to me.

She was dressed in a white tracksuit, but it was forming her curves perfectly. Sticking right to her body making a man wonder what does she has under all those clothes. Y/n stood right in front of me with a smile on her face. I looked down at her, so we can make an eye contact and I raised one eyebrow up.

"You're late", I pointed out.

"It's 6:03, I'm only 3 minutes late", she said and also crossed her arms.

"I expect you to be here at exactly 6am, or I'll start my work and you get no training".

"Since when you get to tell me what to do?".

"I'm not telling you what to do, your highness, it's important for a future queen to be right on time and to keep her word", I explained to her.

"You're right, Gojo, I'm sorry", she lowered her head in front of me and it surprised me a lot. She is bowing to me? I thought to myself.

"Let's start, shall we?".

"Yeah", y/n nodded her head.


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