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Her and I were standing face to face. Only a couple inches separating me from her. My whole body was relaxed, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Y/n on the other hand was pretty tense. Her whole body shaking, she was jumping up and down, stretching and making sure to keep her eyes on me.

"Are we ready to begin, your highness?", I asked her and took off my jacket, threw it to the side and once again looked at her. Her eyes moved down from my face to my body, then back on my eyes.

"I'm ready", she simply said.

"Okay, but know this", I clinched my fists hard till my knuckles were white, "I won't go easy on you", I told her straight away.

"I don't expect you to".

Y/n ran up to me. Her body was fast, but not fast enough to catch you off guards. She swings at me with her little fists, which was pretty easy to avoid. A couple more attempts to hit me and I got bored. It was so easy to just avoid her harmless punches. There was no challenge.

She tried to kick me, which I have to admit kinda made me hurt. I guess she had more power in her kick, than her punch. I smiled and I grabbed her by the wrist, then I spin her around and I push her into the ground effortlessly. Her body weight is so small, she's like a bag of potatoes-easy to just pick and throw to the side.

Y/n didn't give up tho. She tried to hit me a couple more times before her body got tired and she finally sat on the ground completely out of breath.

"Have you ever fought before?", I asked her and sat right next to her.

"No", she told me straight away, "I was never allowed to engage in such activities. They are not lady like and I shouldn't be doing it".

"Then why are you doing it?".

"Because I want to protect myself. I don't want to depend on a man to keep my safe. I'll be a Queen one day. How can a queen protect a whole kingdom, if she doesn't know how to protect herself?", she turns to face me.

This girl was really stubborn. The way she was tired, she was scared that I might hurt her, but she didn't gave up. I have to admit that it kinda took me by surprise, I expected her to be scared and give up on the idea of fighting. So, I decided to actually help her. It won't hurt me.

"You are not very strong", I began saying and I took her full attention, "your arms are too weak, your body is pretty weak too, but you have a strong kick, so I guess we can work more with your legs than you hands".

"Got it", y/n nodded her head.

I stood up and gave her my hand to help her get up. She slowly placed her hand on my big palm and I help her get on her feet. Then I stood right behind her.

"Lift up your leg", I told her and she did.

I placed my hand on the inner part of her thigh and I began lifting her leg even more. My other hand was on her hips as I was holding her for balance. I lifted her leg to the max to see how far it can go without stretching. Y/n's hands were just waving around as mine were moving up and down on her thigh.

I looked up at her to make sure she wasn't hurting, but when I looked at her face it was all red and she looked like she was on fire. I let go off her leg immediately and I came closer to her face to check up on her.

"Are you okay?", I placed the back of my hand to her forehead, "you're burning".

"Yes, I am okay", she pushed my hand away gently and I looked at me, "let's continue".

I move from behind to in front of her, then I placed my hand on my bicep and opened my palm wide. Y/n looked at me with confusion.

"I want you to kick me up here..don't worry, you won't hurt me. Just kick me hand", I told her and I placed a smile on my face.

"A-Are you sure? It's really high?", she said.

"Yes, I am sure. You can do it".

Y/n took a deep breath, then her eyes got fixed on my hand. She lifted her leg slowly, then with one spin and one kick she kicked my hand from the first try. And it hurt me too, which was a good sign. She smiled after seeing that she can do it and she jumped on me hugging me around the neck.

I placed my hands on her hips holding her up and I didn't know how to react. But sure it was a nice feeling. The only woman that ever hugged me before was my mother. It felt nice to have this closure with someone again.

"Am I interrupting something?", a male voice made both me and y/n turn around and make a step back. Her father Naoya Zenin was staring at us with a smile on his face, his hands crossed and his royal kimono on.

"Dad", y/n spoke to him, "Gojo was just helping me out to choose an outfit for the ball".

"Oh, I didn't know that our dearest gardener had a sense of fashion", Naoya looked at me, "so..what did you pick, gardener?".

"A pink dress, sir", I said straight away, "pink will suit your daughter perfectly".

"You are right, aren't you? Pink suits my beautiful y/n perfectly", Naoya stood there with his head up, he was trying to warn me with the way he was standing..but I wasn't buying it, "since you're so into fashion, why don't you help my servants pick my outfit too?".

"Gladly, my Lord", I bowed to him. It made me feel nauseous and I wanted to vomit by only the thought of paying respect to this man.

"That's great!", Naoya clapped with his hands and smiled from ear to ear, "and you better stop wasting your time and start working on the garden. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of my guests tonight, is that right?".

"Yes, my Lord".

"See ya later, gardener".

Naoya turns his back at us and walks away back into the castle. Y/n lets out a sigh and then looks at me with a smile on her face.

"We almost got caught", she said.

"Why didn't you made up a more believable lie, your highness?", I asked her, "no one will believe that a pure orphan like me has anything to do with style. Especially, when it comes to balls and dresses".

"Don't worry. Nobody, who goes to these events has any style, that's why they have people to dress them up", y/n chuckled a little bit, "and speaking of balls, would you like to accompany me tonight? Be my date?".

"What? Absolutely not!", I declined immediately and I made a step back, "I've never in my life been to a ball. And I don't think I want to be at one".

"Oh, come on. With you there it will be at least a little bit more tolerable".

"I don't even know how to dance".

"I'll teach you", she looked at me with those big pleading eyes and placed her hands on my chest, she was so close and the way she was begging me with her eyes.....

"Okay...fine", I let out a sigh, "but, if your father cuts off my head, it's your fault".


𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞| 𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें